
Leku Keta Church Building Update!

July 17, 2024

Our friends in Ethiopia are working very hard to build a new sanctuary for their church and community. this year through our jubilee fund of the Christmas offering we were able to help our friends at Leku Keta church make progress on their new sanctuary. Hello Pulpit Rock Friends! I hope you’re doing well! I … Read more

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Partner Update from Exodus Road

July 3, 2024

The support of Pulpit Rock Church, and the first six months of Aftercare have had an incredible impact. At the end of 2023, The Exodus Road’s Freedom Home aftercare shelter expanded to a second location. Our staff on the ground walk with survivors as they journey out of exploitation, providing safe housing, trauma-informed therapy, medical … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | Matt & Shari Devine

June 5, 2024

How much value do we all see in making friends in our busy culture? Every text I send, every phone call I make, it always starts with one, or both of us saying, “I’ve been so busy.” Does this sound familiar? So how does sharing the gospel fit into a fast-paced American lifestyle? “You make … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | Robert & Hannah Eads

April 10, 2024

God is at work in the lives of everyone around us, whether we realize it or not. At the end of March, students and staff from Southern Colorado packed into a few minivans and headed toward South Padre Island, Texas. South Padre Island is a popular spring break destination for college students, who will travel … Read more

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Our COS Community Raised 12,000 for Backpack Bash!

August 9, 2023

We wanted to share how Backpack Bash 2023 went from our friends at COSILoveYou. Our 4th annual Backpack Bash was our biggest and best yet – a huge success in every way. Across the 7 host locations, thousands of families experienced the beauty of being warmly welcomed and supported by churches, businesses, nonprofits, and school … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | Stephanie Shalosky

June 28, 2023

Hello Pulpit Rock Church, I wanted to send an update on my journey with Cru. I got involved in Cru as a freshman at UCCS (University of Colorado Colorado Springs). I was aware of a few ministries on campus and had a few friends involved in Cru at other campuses. I reached out to the … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | Steve & Carol Rugg

October 26, 2022

How did you first get involved with your ministry? Carol was connected to The Navigators as a new believer first going to the University of Illinois.  The Navigators helped her learn to walk with God, and how to help others do the same.  She grew in making disciples during college, and was invited to join … Read more

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Partners Spotlight | The Campbell’s

October 10, 2022

ITES GRADUATION & SURPRISE OPPORTUNITY Surprise! Charley was invited to teach 14 fairly new converts from an ethnic group closed to the Gospel for many years. Charley studied their ethnic group in seminary years ago. They left their country to come to Dakar for the teaching. So God brought them to Charley in a manner … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | Mihael Bermanec

August 3, 2022

Dear sisters and brothers in Pulpit Rock Church! We are grateful that we have new friends, friends who are very far from us, but God somehow brought us together, and thank you for supporting God’s work in Croatia as well, thank you for your trust. I heard for the first time in 2015 at a … Read more

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Partner Spotlight | John & Natalie McLaughlin

July 26, 2022

Hello from John and Natalie, I currently carry a VP of Operations role with BEE World, I entered the ministry with a teaching role. The wonderful structure of BEE World allows me to maintain both job descriptions where Natalie and I travel 2-3 times a year to Africa. But back to how we first got … Read more

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