Want to learn more about Pulpit Rock?
Pulpit Rock Church is much more than just a Sunday morning worship experience. If you’d like to know a little bit about the community here, join us at First Table and let us buy you breakfast! This is the perfect next step for you to take to learn more about who we are.

Connect through community…
Our goal is to develop true community where we are intentional about friendship … the kind that goes far beyond the surface. We have many group and connection opportunities so you can find one that’s a good fit.
Connect through serving…
A great way to develop friendships is to join a team serving beside others within the walls of Pulpit Rock or outside them in our city.

Just Getting to Know Us?
You’ll want to start by filling out our online Info Form. This is the best way to stay informed about all that is happening at Pulpit Rock Church. We’ll be in touch as soon as you hit submit!
Been with us a while, but still looking for connection?
You’ve come to the right place.
We want you to feel like family. And that’s what we are at Pulpit Rock… a family. After all, God is a relational God and we are made in His image. We were made for relationship; having others alongside us on our faith journey is vital.
Coming to Second Table is the very best next step to finding community at Pulpit Rock, whether you’ve been here a few weeks or a few years.
Will you join us on Sunday at 9AM or 10:30AM?
Let us know you’re coming – we’d love to meet you and help you find a seat!