We want to welcome you to Pulpit Rock Church. We know the value of being in unity. We have put together four key sermons below for you to learn what we believe and value at Pulpit Rock!
7 Things to Know About Us
Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, it’s our desire to help you along the way. We admit we don’t have all the answers, but we invite you to join us.
Here are some things you should know about Pulpit Rock…
1. We love God.
We hope that by being around us, you will see how deeply you are loved by Christ and you will fall in love with Him too.
2. We value courageous vulnerability.
We are messy. Life is messy, so there’s really no getting around it. You’re not going to find any perfect people here. But real? Oh yeah… we can do real. We don’t hide our failures. Instead, we share life together by creating transparent, life-giving relationships.
3. Our desire is for everyone to live free of shame.
We want to be a safe place where your messiness can be shared and known. At Pulpit Rock, you will be loved more – not less – for opening up.
4. We value diversity.
We respect the fact that there are people who genuinely love Jesus on both sides of issues. Labels unnecessarily divide people and distract us from the gospel and we do our best to stay away from them.
5. We live in the reality of our new identity in Christ.
We do not define ourselves as “saved sinners,” but as fully redeemed. We are learning to live out the reality of who God says we are – deeply loved, totally forgiven and free from shame.
6. God put us in the heart of the city to be the heart of the city.
We are not located where we are by accident. We love Colorado Springs and know that our place in the center of it means we have a major role to play in reaching the city with the love of Christ.
7. We feel called to love the world.
One of our desires as a church is to extend the heart and the hands of Christ to those in need, whether on our doorstep or on the other side of the world. We want everyone to know the infinite depths of God’s love.
We know that there are a lot of empty promises within Christianity – and these often lead to disappointment and disillusionment… with God. Or with Christians. Or with the church.
Our hope is that at Pulpit Rock we can offer you a safe place to be you. As you are. We want to be a place where there’s no need to pretend you have it all together. A place where you can be open about your doubts and struggles, heal from your wounds and discover the astounding reality of how Christ views you.