Kids Ministry Service Times | 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

This month in The Grove

God View

The connection between self-control and God’s character, as shown through God’s Big Story.

There are a lot of choices that we need to make in life. Some of those choices can help us grow and shape us positively. Others can pull us in different directions, leaving us struggling to figure out which choice is best. What do we do when we’re confronted with all of these choices? Do we rush ahead? Or do we pause and let God lead us toward the best way to act? Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It’s one of the ways we can tell that God is transforming our lives and that we’re growing in our faith. Thankfully, we don’t have to find self-control on our own. When we follow Jesus, God’s Spirit is with us and helps us make the wise choice.

God’s power has given us everything we need to lead a Godly life. 2 Peter 1:3A, NIRV

This month in Seeds

Bottom Line:
God is always with me.

Memory Verse:

“God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9, NLT

If you’ve ever been near a playground when an airplane flies by, you know the sound of the airplane is quickly followed by the sound of kids shouting with excitement! Their innate sense of wonder is immediately turned up as they ask questions like: Where do you think that plane is going? How big is that plane? How can it fly so high in the sky?

Today, our preschoolers will go to places like school, daycare, church, and grandparents’ houses. We know God has plans for each of them, and as they grow, they will go to even more places that might be even further away. We want to make sure that wherever they go, they can look to God with a trusting heart and say, “Let’s fly!” because they know God is always with me.

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This group is designed specifically with your elementary-schooler in mind. Jam-packed with resources, connections, encouragement, and fun!