Partner Spotlight | COSILoveYou

August 26, 2021 | Written by Thomas Thompson

Through our Partner Spotlights, we want to focus on highlighting how God is at work in our city and all over the world through the missionaries and organizations we partner with.

Most of you have participated with COSILoveYou in some way – volunteering at Backpack Bash, CityServe Day, COSILoveSchools Day… And Pulpit Rock has had the privilege of joining them in so many great things they’re doing in our city!

Thomas Thompson shares a little bit about what he’s been up to with COSILoveYou (including updates from Backpack Bash!) and where the organization is headed next…

“What would you have me do for you?”

Jesus often asked this question of the people He met. He didn’t assume the need, even when it might seem obvious. By listening to serve, He showed every woman, man, and child He met the tangible love of God.

At COSILoveYou, we help unite and ignite the local Church to love Colorado Springs. So that every woman, man and child would experience the tangible love of God. Through showing up. Through asking. Through listening.

What would you have us do for you?
Asking this of our school districts led to our 2021 Backpack Bash. A crucial need for so many families in the Pikes Peak Region is starting the school year equipped with the supplies they need. A simple but tangible expression of the love of God.

This year, 12,000+ students received a backpack filled with school supplies through the efforts of the Backpack Bash! This event was a huge collaborative effort. A host of local nonprofits, hundreds of volunteers, financial sponsors, and churches like Pulpit Rock, served families across the Pikes Peak region.

One participant shared this: “I’ve never attended an event like this, I was afraid of feeling embarrassed of needing help, but I can truly say I felt no judgment and was welcomed by everyone.”

Check out this recap video that does a great job of capturing the joy of the Backpack Bash…

What would you have me do for you?
As we continue to ask this, we are finding more and more the answer lies directly in our local schools. We are continuing to find ways to get school principals and local churches at the same table, to explore partnership and ministry.

A local middle school, Panorama, has this banner hanging in their gym. Their principal, Anitra Gallegos, proudly hung it up in their gym as the roundtable of partners willing to come alongside and serve this school. Check out the top name!

Want to find out more what God is up to through church partnerships in local schools?

Check out this recent episode of the COSILoveYou podcast, where we delve into the challenges faced by public school administrators and teachers in engaging and supporting at-risk students.

We talk with a local principal, Kim Noyes, about the real-life effects of poverty on education, and one of our own Pulpit Rock pastors, Rowland Smith, on what local churches can do to lend a helping hand to some of these challenges.

Pulpit Rock, we are PROUD to call you one of the partner churches that is ignited and united in love with us FOR the city. Asking what we can do to show the tangible love of God to every woman, man, and child!

CityServe Day 2021 is coming up! Sign up to serve here.

We get to participate in the work God is doing all over the world and here in Colorado Springs by partnering, both financially and in prayer, with missionaries and organizations. You can learn more about what this looks like for us by visiting our Sent page.

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I am so excited to share with you all a new partnership that Pulpit Rock has formed with Panorama Middle School. Our church was asked to join a community team through the new COSILoveYou schools initiative to provide support, encouragement and resources to love on students and teachers at Panorama. Here’s how we’re doing that.


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