At City Serve Day on Saturday, October 5th, the student ministry here at Pulpit Rock Church served at Family Life Services. There were multiple projects to choose from on their property, but my
This past weekend, we hosted our annual Mother & Daughter Overnighter at The Great Wolf Lodge, and it was an unforgettable experience! Our group enjoyed a variety of fun activities, including
If we haven't met yet, my name is Isaac, and I am one of the interns this summer. We recently returned from the Dominican Republic with twelve high school students, and I'd love to share some
PRiSM is Pulpit Rock Student Ministries. The “i” represents each individual student who makes up this beautiful community, our greatest desire being that they are seen and known and pursuing a
We have a wonderful opportunity for you to serve and have an impact on the students at Panorama Middle School.
Can you read, write, and do basic math? Then you're qualified to help Pulpit Rock's
The Mother/Daughter overnighter at Great Wolf Lodge was this past week, and we had so much fun. We painted toenails, had a dance party, rode lots of water slides, and ate yummy donuts. But we also
Did you know our Kids Ministry Team and our Student Ministry Team are all on ONE team together? Together we are the Generations Team and we have been functioning as one team for years now. This is
This summer, our students, ranging from 5th to 12th graders, had the opportunity to serve at a different location every Thursday. The goal was to give our students a chance to see what's happening in
"What has been your experience?"
My experience at Pulpit Rock Church has been full and brimming with new experiences. When I first came to intern here, I wasn't too sure what to expect. I knew I
The City Mission Trip was an awesome weekend where our students learned and grew closer to God and one another. Our students stepped up to some challenging and uncomfortable situations and loved
This summer, our students will be invited to participate in the Thursday Serve days. Every Thursday in June and July, we will spend the morning volunteering with a different organization each
If you have students in 7th-12th grades, you may have questions about their role in the church on Sunday mornings and beyond.
We believe that parents are the primary spiritual influencers of their
Our daughter Gabi used her time off this week to make and sell cake pops to raise funds for The Exodus Road. She made 60+ treats and raised $200! She has already made the donation directly to The
PRiSM will be celebrating a Christian Passover Seder
56 | SUNDAY, APRIL 2nd
Passover is one of the oldest and most traditional Jewish holidays. The word Seder means
Winter Camp 78
“It is always a privilege and pleasure to see God work, but there is something extra special about seeing His Spirit awaken the hearts of young people. A couple of weeks ago some of
It has been a dream of mine to get a master’s degree since I was a high school senior. However, God’s plan and timing for my life was much different than anything I could have ever dreamed of as an
What do you learn by setting up 15 round tables in the Student Center stocked with blank canvases, paint and 70 middle and high school students?
That the possibilities are truly endless!
Throughout February, PRiSM 56 was in a series called DO SOMETHING. This series was designed to help students listen, learn, and lead in response to injustices in our communities.
Rather than just
Summer is quickly winding down and it has proven to be most difficult to describe how it has felt.
I read a quote recently that said, "The only difference between fear and excitement is your
Everybody experiences mental health issues in different ways. Some common signs of distress may include: not acting like they normally do, a loss of interest in the things they used to enjoy, talking
You remember Blockbuster Video don’t you?
Those awesome blue and yellow video rental stores that used to be packed full every Friday night back in the day? Well there is only ONE lowly
This past month in The Grove, a student leader, 8th grader, Rebekah Yost, took on the challenge to channel the 80’s into our elementary worship room for the monthly theme decor. And what says 80’s
What do you get when you combine 500 middle school students and caring, Christ following, adults, with snow capped mountain backdrops, with ridiculous games, with dynamic worship and relevant
My daughter turned nine last Sunday.
On the cusp of pre-adolescence, she is quickly moving out of the carefree, inhibition-free naïveté of childhood, and is suddenly and relentlessly
Over the past few months, you've likely heard us talk about the changes coming to our student programming this fall. Well the time has come. Beginning this Sunday, things will be a bit different
We've just wrapped up another year of Sports Camp and it was packed full of sports, fun, singing, dancing, and most of all, Jesus. Spicy Mike and Sweet T even made a surprise comeback! It was a
Will you join us in prayer?
Will you be praying for the 100 kids registered from 62 families? That they would see Jesus in everything we do this week! That they would fall in love with following
One of the things I think about often as a mom is who my kids are looking up to.
My kids are seven and eight. They are at the age where they are extremely susceptible to influences surrounding
I never grew up hoping to be in student ministry. But here I am, and these girls are fierce. They are deep and have real emotions that shape the way they view themselves, how they view God, and most
Formation is a series of posts about ideas and truths God is using to shape us at Pulpit Rock.
Within our ministry to families at Pulpit Rock, we want to empower our parents to embrace the
Last weekend, 36 middle school students, 5 high school students and 7 adults leaders from Pulpit Rock took over Frontier Ranch, along with hundreds of other middle schoolers from multiple churches
Last night I was invited to visit the Wednesday night small groups for PRiSM56, Pulpit Rock's student programming for 5th and 6th graders.
I have two elementary-age children. I thought I knew what
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They said it couldn’t be done. They said it was crazy. They said no one could face the pressure.
At Pulpit Rock we know that healthy rhythms and seasons of rest are vital! This is one reason why in Kids Ministry we encourage our Grove (Sunday elementary program) volunteers to take two months of
On Sunday we sent a group of our students off to Cortez, CO for the week. Cortez is a small city hidden deep in the southwest corner of Colorado. Our High School Mission Team is serving in a number of
This past Sunday our Student Ministry concluded a five week series in Psalms. To close out the series, we asked our students to write their own Psalm in their words, using their language. Some wrote
I have a soft spot for teenagers. They are hot messes and young little adults who want to be adults without the responsibilities. And yet they are this beautiful mix of innocence and courage and
Every Thursday PRiSM students are invited to come love their city by serving outside Mitchell High School. They serve lunch to neighborhood kids and then play games and build connections and
Colorado Springs is experiencing a crisis.
We have had 22 teen suicides in El Paso County since December 2015. Last week, our Children’s Ministry Events Director, Lindsay Yochum, wrote a very
Each summer we engage both our Middle School and High School PRiSM groups in missions.
Here's why we have chosen to opt for a mission week instead of a camp week: While students can have a blast
A few weeks ago now, 24 of us from our PRiSM High School department retreated! We escaped for a quick, wintery, overnight getaway to Camp Elim near Woodland Park.
Our main focus for the weekend
Fall is nearly here! What a unique time of year this is in Ministry here at Pulpit Rock Church.
Especially in Student Ministry.
We are looking BACK and celebrating what a great summer we had, and
Our community experienced a loss this week - a death that touched our church body. One of our students shared her thoughts as she processed the messiness that is this life.
First day back was
What a thrilling summer season our Student Ministry had!
In Student Ministry we have been working hard to embrace Pulpit Rock’s values of sharing the most helpful truths, creating welcoming
Five and a half years ago my whole world changed course - my calling, my priorities, my fears, my dreams. My life as I knew it no longer existed and I was launched headfirst into the unknown. I became
A few words from Taylor Whitmarsh...
Yesterday was our first full day here in New Orleans.
Near the evening they told us to get in the car not knowing what we were doing. It ended up we were going
Remember Mr. T from the A-Team in the 80’s?
Well most people don’t know that Mr. T has a mentor, Mr. B, who taught him everything he knows. And Mr. B has
Exciting changes are coming to our Student Ministry Program this Summer!
As you know, we have some incredible small group leader volunteers in our student ministry. We want to take good care of them,
Hey ya’ll! I’ve been wanting to use that word all day.
This is Mari and I’m the blogger for this wonderful second day of our trip.
Our day started out taking a picture in front of a sign at
We made it to Austin! Its currently almost midnight and we just pulled in to our hotel about an hour ago… Thanks for your prayers for safe travel!
We spent some time during the looong drive today