Over the past few months, you’ve likely heard us talk about the changes coming to our student programming this fall. Well the time has come. Beginning this Sunday, things will be a bit different around here. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect.
PRiSM 56 Relocates
PRiSM 56 (our 5th and 6th grade program) that was previously meeting in Room 115 on Sunday mornings at 10:30am will now meet in the Student Center! They are going to love it over there! What an upgrade to this group that is just bursting at the seams. Be sure to swing by and check it out! Parents are always welcome to hang out with us!
New PRiSM Student Lounge
This is a new addition to our Sunday mornings and will serve as the main point of connection and community for our PRiSM 78 and High School students on Sundays. The Student Lounge has been purposefully placed in Room 108 – which is accessible from the Gathering Place. This will be well marked with a big STUDENT LOUNGE sign and will be a big room open for our 78 and High School students only, every Sunday from 10 to 10:25am.
There will be music and light, fun programming – as well as an iPad station where students can sign up for serving roles they are interested in. This way, students can meet up with their friends, have some fun together and connect to each other before heading into the service together at 10:25.
SERVE and SERVICE – The Heart Of This New Rhythm
We want to provide regular opportunities for our church’s students to serve and lead in ALL of our environments. This does not just include Kids Ministry! There are opportunities to serve and lead in hospitality at the coffee cart or as a door greeter or at the Welcome Desks. There are opportunities in worship and tech in our many environments throughout campus on a Sunday morning. There are behind the scenes opportunities with a more creative bent to them like set design and craft projects. We would love to help every teenager find their place at the table using the gifts God has given them.
Look for the PRiSM SERVE MENU at every Welcome Desk counter and in the Student Lounge. This menu will give a snapshot of opportunities and will include a link where students can see further details about each role and can sign up for any of these serving roles they are interested in.
In an effort to streamline and simplify the launching of this new rhythm – we are encouraging students to SERVE during the 9 AM hour and attend SERVICE during the 10:30 AM hour. We will have rows reserved for students only and Mark Windle is excited to join them all in sitting together during our worship service.
We know it might take some time before we are all settled into this new rhythm. If you are concerned about this not working well for you, come talk to us! We are so flexible and want to help EVERYONE find their place in this new reality.
This is our next step! We’ve spent the past three years in Student Services identifying gifts and talents, having TONS of fun, building solid community and assessing spiritual capital. Now we are inviting our students to reinvest themselves and that spiritual capital back into the church body, as a whole! It’s been great. It’s time for better!
Our teenagers are now invited to attend our worship services with the rest of their church instead of having their own each week at the same time.
PRiSM 78 and High School will still have a student ministry program
We have just moved that to Wednesday nights, where small groups will happen right afterwards and where this time of community for our students does not force them to choose to not attend their own church’s service.
I hope you’ll join us in embracing these changes as we jump into this new rhythm. This is a big shift for a lot of students and their families! We have made it a priority to be diligent in communication for the last several months regarding this transition.
Thank you for letting us partner with you as we raise up the next generation of Jesus followers.