This past month in The Grove, a student leader, 8th grader, Rebekah Yost, took on the challenge to channel the 80’s into our elementary worship room for the monthly theme decor. And what says 80’s more than big hair, mix tapes and splatter paint? So splatter paint it is! She created beautiful, vibrant backdrop curtains to anchor the room as the kids experience worship in a cool and unique atmosphere.
Each month, The Grove at Pulpit Rock Church boasts a new and fun theme in which to center our life application and study of the Bible. From the beach to the forest, game shows and space odysseys, there’s always a huge creative opportunity to build our environments for the kids to experience God’s teachings in relatable ways. And who better to create these spaces than our exuberant, energy filled and mind-blowing student leaders in PRiSM (Pulpit Rock Student Ministries)?!
“It made me really happy to make the curtains. Splatter painting is super fun and when you don’t have a huge limit on how much mess you can make it makes it even better. I think that it’s very important to serve at church. You have a different way to worship God instead of your typical singing and prayer. I believe that God does see my gift to create just as important as other service projects. Even if I’m not stopping something like world hunger I can still make people happy with my art,” Rebekah shared.
Our desire is to guide kids who are growing from nursery to graduation to be the best version of themselves.
We know that we can truly find our lives as we give them away, so serving is a perfect tool. Kids and students are all so unique, so it’s natural for us to offer as many diverse ways to serve as possible. And that’s why there are so many ways for students to serve at Pulpit Rock! From production, hospitality, worship arts, to kids ministry; with tech support, helping with worship, greeting, making coffee, being a special buddy for a little one; in the main service, in 56, in elementary and preschool classrooms, at the coffee cart, or even in behind the scenes making giant splatter paint curtains.
If you don’t see something that suits you, let us know and we will journey together to find a fit!