Renewal Womens Ministry-2

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

PRiSM: Back and Forward

Fall is nearly here! What a unique time of year this is in Ministry here at Pulpit Rock Church. Especially in Student Ministry. We are looking back and celebrating what a great summer we had, and looking forward to great plans that are in store.

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The Brokenhearted

Our community experienced a loss this week – a death that touched our church body. When tragedy hits, community is a lifeline. One of our students shared her thoughts as she processed the messiness that is this life.

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Our Conversations with God

Prayer is my communication with God. What matters most to God is my attitude towards His response. When his response doesn’t look like what I expect, do I still believe he is who he says he is?

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PRSM Summer … It’s a Wrap!

Thursday Serve Day definitely became a “thing” this summer. It’s a joy to watch God at work in Colorado Springs and in the hearts of Pulpit Rock students.

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A Stain to Remember

We’re nearly a year out from The Flood. Mark Windle shares how a bit of mess serves as an excellent reminder of what God’s doing in the life of our church.

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We Left Our Heart in Ethiopia

We have shared with you before about our sister church in Ethiopia, the Leku Keta Kale Heywet church. Recently World Orphans wrote about the trip and our growing relationship on their blog…

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Calling All First Responders

We are excited to announce a new group launching at Pulpit Rock for First Responders and their families. This is not a small group or a Bible Study, but a community.

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A Date Night Unlike Any Other

Our next marriage event is right around the corner! Still thinking about whether you should attend? Here are some thoughts from a few people who have attended past events …

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How to Fix the World

Social and political agendas will never change or heal the hearts of men. No president, congressman, or supreme court justice will save our souls. If I want to help change the world, I can start at my own home, in my own neighborhood, and in my own city.

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The Road to Rio

Tonight is the Opening Ceremonies for the 2016 Summer Olympics! Two of our very own Pulpit Rock family, Larry and Ellen Amundson, will be there. This is a great way for us to love our neighbors, this time athletes from around the world.

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What’s Happening With Marriage Ministry?

We are excited to announce our next Marriage Ministry event. Mark your calendars for September 9th!

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They Asked Us For Prayer

Can you imagine if our government were to reach out to the body of Christ asking for prayer? In our current culture it seems pretty far-fetched, right? Well, guess what? They DID.

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