Renewal Womens Ministry-2

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Awaiting the Arrival

As Christians, we celebrate the first arrival of a man not from our world … Jesus Christ. Return with us this Advent season, as we put ourselves back in the steps of those first followers of God, watching, waiting, wondering.

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Repairers of the Breach

This has been an extraordinary week in America. There is a lot of fear and anger. In many ways our nation feels more fragmented and divided than it did a week ago. Setting aside political affiliations for a moment, how do we walk as Christ followers in these days? We pray for our nation and ourselves.

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It’s a Pumpkin Party!

A couple weeks ago we threw a party. And there were pumpkins. And people. And paint. A power tools. It was pretty rad.

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This Is Our Story

We have been in our new sanctuary for a month. Each week we get to enjoy the newness, the beauty, and the deep rest that follows a time of displacement. However, there’s so much we don’t want to forget. We have so many stories to tell. So we’re sharing them here in an effort not to forget the many great and wonderful things God did for us this year.

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On Lightbulbs and Such

I was was recently reminded how many little things – things that I never think about – are needed to keep life smooth and functioning. Things like lightbulbs. Pulpit Rock Church exists to help people journey with God. And we can’t do that without lightbulbs.

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The Robber of Joy

As Thomas has been leading us through Ecclesiastes, I have been giving thought to how disruptive discontentment is. I have found when I allow it to take root, it ends up being all consuming. But there is always a path of joy.

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City Serve in COS

This is election season. Divisiveness and disagreement are running rampant. Sides are being taken, walls are being built, families are being divided. Social media is ripe with conflict. Unity is scarce. That’s what makes what recently occurred in Colorado Springs so incredible.

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Praying for our Leaders

In 1 Timothy 2, Paul urges us to pray for – and give thanks for – our leaders and those in authority over us. So we do. Join us as we pray this prayer each day until the election.

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Our Very Own Superhero

Luke Wrobleski is our Facilities Director. He lead our church through our 365 day auditorium renovation. For the last year, he practically lived at church, putting in literally countless hours to make our new sanctuary a reality. In the process, God was doing something great in him.

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group of teen girls on couches |

How We Spend Your Money

We know we can’t make anyone grow – all we can do is create an environment that reflects the gospel and trust God to do what only he can do. Here’s how we are doing that, thanks to your faithful giving.

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A Table for Everyone

They wanted IF:Table hostesses. It was simple, they said. Once a month, invite anyone. You can do it. I didn’t want to do it. But I thought maybe I should pause and listen.

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Want to help Haiti?

Many of you have emailed or asked on Facebook about ways to get involved in what is happening in Haiti. As you know Pulpit Rock has a partner on the ground right now, Mission of Hope. Here’s how you can help.

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