I’m sitting in my office on Wednesday night at 7 PM and I’m feeling a little emotional.
I’m feeling emotional, because I just walked through both of our buildings. It is AWANA night and tonight is the first night of our Student Ministry small groups. Here is what I saw:

- Every room in our 2 buildings (including the sanctuary!) was full of kids and teenagers connecting with each other, having fun and being invested in by a godly adult.
- Kids were smiling BIG smiles in church.
- Kids who looked nervous and were standing on the fringes were being welcomed and included by leaders and other kids.
- Small groups were happening. In every room. And people were talking about God’s love and grace and everything it means for us.
- There was an army of leaders – who genuinely care. Leaders who aren’t serving out of duty, but serving because God’s love has changed them.
- There was a team of staff who have devoted hours upon hours planning and learning and strategizing so that every kid and every leader is set up to flourish.

We know we can’t make anyone grow – all we can do is create an environment that reflects the gospel and trust God to do what only he can do.
And walking through the building tonight I was overwhelmed at how he is working in our church family.
When the auditorium thing happened last year we said “it is not about the building.” And tonight, now that the building is fully functional I can say with certainty … it is NOT about the building. It is about helping people journey with our loving God.
And that is happening.
My family gives every month to this church, and we gave extra this summer to rebuild the sanctuary. I’m lucky … because I work here, I get to see firsthand why I give. I hope you glimpse it too but just in case, let me remind us what we are investing in when we give at Pulpit Rock.
A high school girls small group. God uses our money to provide two buildings where all this incredible ministry can happen easily and effectively.
- God uses our money to provide supplies, games and snacks so that kids can have fun in church.
- God uses our money to train leaders so they know how to engage with kids – whether it is the shy kid or the kid who won’t stop talking.
- God uses our money to invest in the spiritual lives of those leaders so that they can lead out of their journey with God.
- God uses our money to show appreciation to those leaders for all the meals they skipped and nights they rushed up here to invest in our kids.
- God uses our money to pay our incredible staff team. If we didn’t pay them, they’d all probably still serve. But because of what we give they are able to devote their lives to this church.
However you give to this church – thank you! Your investment is making a difference. Please keep giving, and we will continue to try to leverage that money so that we help the most people we can journey with God.
If you don’t give to this church, we’d be honored if you’d consider it, and if you’d talk about it with God.
For all of us, I’m going to do my best to continue to give glimpses of what God is doing through the ministry of Pulpit Rock.
If you ever have any questions about giving here, don’t hesitate to ask. I love you people!