Can you imagine if our government were to reach out to the body of Christ asking for prayer? In our current culture it seems pretty far-fetched, right?
Well, guess what?
They DID.
The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office has asked churches in Colorado Springs to cover local law enforcement officers in prayer. Here is an excerpt from the letter we received from the Chaplain Robert Swales.
Sheriff Elder and I are men of faith who personally believe in the power of prayer. I am asking your church family to commit to pray for the men and women who are protecting us. El Paso County is one of the largest counties in the State of Colorado covering 2,130 square miles. Please pray for our Emergency Services and Search and Rescue personnel who are on the constant vigil for all of us who call El Paso Country our home. Pray for their wisdom and for the accuracy of the split-second decisions they often have to make. Please also pray for the families who often have to make huge sacrifices in support of their loved ones.
On Sundays we’ve been talking a lot about Good Samaritans and neighbors. Law Enforcement Officers are often the Good Samaritans. They cross over the road without fear and offer help and protection. Yet right now in our nation, our officers are also our neighbors on the side of the road, in need of our support and prayer. We want to cross over and help our neighbors in need.
Last Sunday we devoted a part of our worship to congregational prayer for our Law Enforcement Community. But this is not a one time thing. We’d like to encourage our whole church family to continue praying for our local law enforcement. This is a very accessible and needed way we can love and connect with our city.
One last thing. At Pulpit Rock we value community and unity. We know the heart of our law enforcement department’s is in serving the very community in which they also live – our community.
We are one city and one community and we pray for peace and unity.
If you’d like to be receive our weekly prayer list, email Su-Su Sawyer. Please note “Prayer” in the subject line.
Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2:1-3)