Renewal Womens Ministry-2

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Diving Below the Waterline

At Pulpit Rock, we recognize that life is hard, messy and often overwhelming. The good news is God never intended for us to go through this messy life alone. He values community that comes through relationships. He created us to be in relationship with Himself and with each other. Enter Women’s Ministry…

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Making Space for the Important

Sometimes it’s difficult to see the things we truly love when there is so much stuff surrounding us. This year I invite you to take a moment to pause and ponder whether you’re making space for the things that are important.

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A Night of Ice Cream and Dancing

When our small group decided to do a service project together, we talked through the different things each of us had to offer. One of the couples on our small group used to teach East Coast Swing lessons to college students. My husband and I own an ice cream store in town. We thought, ‘There must be someone out there who needs ice cream and dancing!’

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On Doubt

The fear is that doubt will push us further from God. But my doubts only push God away when I push them down. When I earnestly pursue them and am honest with God, they have pushed me closer to Him every time.

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Women’s Ministry 2.0

As you know, our Women’s Ministry Leadership has spent this last year praying for God to give us a ministry where every woman can participate. God has answered our prayer!

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New Associate Pastors

One of the great joys I have as your pastor is working with an incredible staff. I believe that leading and serving Pulpit Rock is the strongest and most talented staff I have ever worked with.

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Meet Bifa

Maybe it was his contagious smile. Maybe it was his easy-to-pronounce name in a sea of names that were hard to remember, let alone say. Or maybe it was our first exchange that made Bifa stand out in my mind.

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Mr. B’s Words of Wisdom: Money

Mr. B is back! This time he’s talking about money.

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Come to the Table

Three years ago, I was captivated by a woman’s heart for ministry around her table. After reading her story, I was convinced that beautiful things happen around a table. And I wanted to be intentional about creating a space for God to show off His beauty at mine.

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A New Phase for Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry Leadership Team is excited to introduce you to the next generation of Women’s Ministry at Pulpit Rock!

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From New Orleans With Love

Our middle school students are halfway through their mission trip to New Orleans. Three students share about the experience so far.

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Mr. B’s Words of Wisdom: Time

In this second installment, Mr. B shares some words of wisdom about the mystery of time.

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