Welcome to
Pulpit Rock Church

Welcome to
Pulpit Rock Church

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Struggles with The Table

Every time I have sat through this sermon series I have sensed the Holy Spirit asking me to do something that feels quite uncomfortable. Every Sunday the Lord has brought to mind the same people to invite over for dinner. The conviction gets stronger with each passing week. Why haven’t I done it yet?

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Finding God in Our Story

It takes courage to enter the beauty and brokenness of our own stories so we can see the link between our own story and the story of Scripture. But it’s a journey well worth taking. Will you join us?

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CityServe is Coming

If you’ve attended Pulpit Rock for any amount of time, you’ll know we spend a lot of time talking about loving our city. We are proud of our home and believe we are located where we are – smack dab in the center of it – for a specific purpose. We want to see our city flourish and believe we have an important role to play in making that happen.

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Helping Houston

We have all seen the images of waters rising in Houston, and we are devastated for the people living there. Pulpit Rock leadership has benefited multiple times from the ministry of PastorServe. Now we invite you to join us as we, in turn, help PastorServe as they support pastors in Houston.

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In Which We Loose the Chains of Injustice

At our sister church in Ethiopia, there is peace. Students are in school. Ministers are visiting homes. Household items are distributed. No one is sick. Children are being trained. People are growing in compassion. This is all happening because of your regular giving to Pulpit Rock.

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This is Us: Celebration Service

One day each year we forego our usual Sunday plan. We celebrate new life, both earthly and spiritual. We get loud. (This includes whistles, wild cheers and our awesome Woo girls.) We pray and sing and eat and play together and enjoy this beautiful church family.

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Pulpit Rock, you make us proud.

Remember a couple months ago when we spent a Sunday morning recognizing, honoring and praying for our law enforcement officers? We shared how, as a church, we are called to seek the welfare and flourishing of our city. Well. Be encouraged, church. One of the officers there that day recently sent us a letter we thought you should read…

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The Avett Brothers and the Heart of Pulpit Rock

A recent concert at Red Rocks inspired Thomas to reflect on our tone at Pulpit Rock and how it shapes the way we talk about our opponents, ourselves and issues.

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The Mess in “Us”

Being a part of an “us” is messy and awkward and painful. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. We are seen and known loved despite our messy “us-ness.”.

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Surprised by Freedom

It takes years to recover from the subtle damage that spiritual control has on faith. That’s why it’s so incredible to me—even shocking—when I hear our leaders say from the pulpit that it’s OK if we don’t agree on certain tenets that are not primary to our faith.

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Thursday Serveday

How many teenagers do you know that would spend an afternoon each week loving and serving younger kids? Talk about role models. Our teenagers at Pulpit Rock are NOT the norm, church.

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Haiti 2017

A team from Pulpit Rock recently spent a week loving our neighbors in Haiti. Here’s a photo slideshow to give you a glimpse into the trip.

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