Renewal Womens Ministry-2

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.


We pray to see high school students flourish.

As a part of last year’s Christmas Offering, you gave $15,000 to fund the Education For a Lifetime program for every high school in District 11. (That’s Coronado, Doherty, Mitchell and Palmer, in case you were wondering.)

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We pray to see Colorado Springs flourish.

At Pulpit Rock, we are called to seek the welfare and flourishing of our city. We recently recognized seventeen men and women who are peacemakers in our city. It was a powerful time for the body of Christ at Pulpit Rock to stand in support of the law enforcement community in Colorado Springs.

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Skip the Drive-Thru

Any person who has texted behind the wheel, stalked Instagram like a coveting neighbor, chased that first high, lied/cheated/stolen “just a little,” drunk dialed, etc. etc. knows you shouldn’t, but you do it anyway. This happened to me a mere few days ago.

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IF:Gathering 2017

There is something so freeing when Jesus proves bigger than your small acts of service. When His words speak louder than a microphone and when His Presence takes your breath away, you know you’re doing something right. More than any other year, IF:Gathering 2017 was all Him and He showed off.

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The Joy of the Journey

I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about joy lately. Am I happier than I was a month ago? Probably not. But ever so slightly, I am learning to embrace the joy of the mission; the joy of the journey.

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Every Thought Captive

Sometimes my thoughts take me captive instead of the other way around. I’m exhausted at my own bondage, and I am grateful at the true freedom that Jesus offers. But here’s the bizarre thing: I don’t always want to be rescued.

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Questions On Joy

We asked you to send us your questions about joy. And many of you did. Thomas addressed some in his sermon, but let’s continue the conversation here.

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We need to talk.

We see things happening in society that we don’t understand and they impact the way we react and protect our own families. We put up walls around our families and do everything we can to isolate ourselves from society and the problems that we see. We cannot do that in Colorado Springs. Our city needs us. Our children need us.

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IF We Cross the Generation Divide

Through mentoring classes, shared meals and events like the IF:Gathering, women at Pulpit Rock are building rich and lasting community that crosses generations.

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Summer 2017 Week on Mission

Many churches send their students to summer camp. We send our students on summer mission. Here’s why…

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New Ways to Connect

We spend a lot of time talking about community around here. We want everyone to feel connected and cared for. Relationships are pretty much at the very top of our priority list. That’s why we are excited to tell you about several new ways for you to connect.

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Let’s pray for our city’s children.

The suicide epidemic in Colorado Springs is scary. When something is real and we have no control over fixing it, we feel helpless and hopeless. But the truth is God is real and this can be put into His hands. Join us in praying daily for the children in our city using this list of all the schools in Colorado Springs.

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