What does it look like to follow Jesus in your everyday life?
What if your life could be filled with excitement as you begin to notice the ways in which God is already at work in the world around you? What if you could join him in simple ways, in the places you live, work, and play?
At Pulpit Rock Church, we are constantly hearing and gathering stories of how our community joins God in mission every day. From bunk beds to pancakes on a porch, from moms on a school campus to art for the homeless, we want to take the practical message of the kingdom of God into the places we walk daily.

Giving the gift of music
Recently, one of our church members, Faye Palmer, heard about a need for a keyboard for a retirement complex, where they desperately wanted to gather and sing songs and hymns together. The director of the retirement home told us how the environment there was one of slow depression. Faye, in partnership with a delightful resident who played piano, worked with Missional Expressions fund and team to acquire a keyboard that could be used for sing-alongs and community gatherings.
With the keyboard, new life has been breathed into the atrium and foyer area of that retirement home, as voices and music fill it on a regular basis. This was a simple way Faye saw that she could bring love and joy into another community.
What are the ways you can join God on mission in your neighborhood?
Are there ways you could announce the kingdom of God in simple ways to your workplace, or soccer team, or at your gym?

Re-Imagining Mission
In two weeks, Pulpit Rock will be hosting a conference with some renowned speakers, authors and missional practitioners to discuss these very questions. We would love for all of our community to attend, as our goal at Pulpit Rock is to live outside the walls of our church, the things we teach and talk about inside the walls on Sundays.
So please consider attending this Forge conference:
Friday night, April 5th, 6:30-8:30
Saturday, April 6th, 8:30-4:30
We will discuss how to live into our neighborhood, how to join God on mission, how to live as the Christ-followers we claim to be.
This conference is destined to be paradigm shifting and instrumental in helping you find a boldly exciting faith following Jesus.
Register at www.missionalconference.com
Use the code PRC10 and get $10 off your registration for being a part of the host community.
We hope you’ll join us there!