“Evangelism is faithful and imaginative communication that implores others to step into the Kingdom, to join the family, and to accept their adoption as sons and daughters.”
-Scott Sunquist (Fuller Seminary)
I was always scared to share my faith. I didn’t know what to say, I wasn’t sure if I could answer hard questions about God, or heaven, or hell. It seemed like evangelism was for people that knew a lot about the Bible and how to answer the hard questions I didn’t know.
But when you really think about evangelism being imaginative and faithful communication, all of a sudden you’re released from needing to present in-depth theology or draw a map of salvation. Imaginative communication can take on many forms. Imagine the different ways to invite people into the Kingdom.
Could you think of things you already do that could also be used as way to give a glimpse of the Kingdom of God to others?
Pancakes on the porch.
Recently I joined Kevin and Lydia Andrews for “Pancakes on the Porch” at their home in downtown Colorado Springs. Kevin and Lydia are part of the community at Pulpit Rock Church. What they automatically and instinctively do is use every part of their lives to share Jesus with others, and they do it in non-intrusive and non-invasive ways…with food!
Jesus was known for sitting around the table with others, teaching about the Kingdom and telling what it would be like. What I saw that Saturday morning in their front yard was simply a glimpse of what the Kingdom would be like. I had an easy time imagining Jesus standing around in sandals with a foam plate eating pancakes with us. People were gathered, meeting each other, sharing life, sharing food, laughing and enjoying their common journey through life.
This thing they do, pancakes and fellowship, IS evangelism. It is an imaginative and faithful way to love neighbors and give a glimpse of Kingdom values. In fact, they exhibited one of Jesus’ most important values…love your neighbor.
Let’s use our imagination.
So how do we find our own “Pancakes on the Porch?” How do we find imaginative ways that we can join God in missional living?
This can be hard. Sometimes it takes experimenting. Sometimes it can take looking at your own context and asking what your neighbors or coworkers need in community. It can also take having new eyesight, where we see culture and our neighbors differently … as people to invite into the Kingdom. It can take training and learning to find a rhythm of living that is other-focused and God-partnering.
Let me assure you, once you start looking at life and faith this way, your walk with Jesus becomes an amazing adventure! Once you see the ways you can share God with others through normal everyday living; soccer games, school, work, neighborhood, ….even pancakes, then an amazing and exciting life opens up to you!
Faith becomes an adventure and not simply church attendance.
Join us in the journey.
I want to invite you on this amazing journey! I’m asking you to at least take a couple steps into it and see what you think.
This fall, I and two others will be leading a group that will meet on Sunday mornings during second service. We will use videos, some reading, and discussion with each other. We’ll talk about imaginative ways to invite people into the Kingdom, and you will leave on December 16 with some great ideas…then we want to help you carry them out!
We are inviting you to ask dangerous questions about your own faith that will then lead to a meaningful life following Jesus! I hope you’ll sign up. Who would’ve thought…loving your neighbor with pancakes would be what Jesus asked all along.
A Dangerous and Meaningful Life
Sundays, Sept 9 – Dec 16
Limited to 30 people