January 12th, 2025 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's
January 5th, 2025 | Jonathan Cleveland
Because Jesus is not like the rest of us, we will never become like him if we keep living how we've always lived. Becoming like Jesus requires us to do some
December 29th, 2024 | Jonathan Cleveland, Kyle Collins, Christy Penley
In this sermon, Jonathan, Kyle, and Christy take us on a journey through the past year, reflecting on the impactful sermon
December 22nd, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Sometimes the person worshipping the loudest and the enthusiastically on the outside is worshipping the least on the inside. Because they are using
December 15th, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley | Luke 1:46-56
What is Mercy?
Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish. Mercy is not getting
December 8th, 2024 | Speaker: Kyle Collins
There is something that happens in our worship that overflows to others. This is true in specific moments of worship but it's also true of our lives.
December 1st, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Adore is a posture of the heart, characterized by love and awe. In strict terminology, the Latin expression means adore is a designated act of
November 24th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Ave is an experience of truth that cannot be put into the woods. It is the sudden realization of the way things are, that evokes an emotional
November 17th, 2024 | Speaker Cindy Limbrick
Grief is not a single emotion that can be summed up in one word, rather it is an internal process involving a range of emotions in response to the pain
November 10th, 2024 | Speaker: Kyle & Janae Collins
Jesus was confident and expectant about the future (hope) because He knew the character and promises of His father and because He experiences
November 3rd, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley
If anger is not dealt with it can lead to depression. Go to God with your anger- He can handle it and honestly, He already knows. Tell Him!
October 27th, 2024 | Speaker Jonathan Cleveland
Shame is the feeling that there is something wrong with us that needs to be remedied and what what we need to observe is the same is always rooted in
October 20th, 2024 | Speaker Jonathan Cleveland
If we don’t find ways, with God, to make sense of our emotional world it will absolutely limit our spiritual growth.
October 13th, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley
How are emotions and feelings different?
Feelings are sensations in the body and are not always related to emotions.. for example, you can “feel” cold
October 6th, 2024 | Speaker Jonathan Cleveland
Restore is not about changing the nature of something- only Jesus can do that. It is about helping something regain function and flourishment, and He
September 23rd, 2024 | Speaker: Kyle Collins
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
September 15th, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley
Jesus was the promised one who fulfilled the law and loved God and neighbor and took on himself the curse of sin on himself. So now through Jesus all
September 8th, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley
The heart of the gospel is that when people trust in Jesus that what is true of him is true of them. His life becomes theirs.
September 1s,t 2024 | Speaker Jonathan Cleveland | Galatians 1:1-9
Grace – Jesus won’t let you participate in your own salvation. It is his gift for you.
August 25th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Healthy churches honor the complexity of knowing an invisible God who is redeeming and transforming you into the image of Christ.
August 11th, 2024 | Speaker Kyle Collins
We have to recognize that following Jesus requires us to participate in faith that is by nature and from the beginning - communal. It's shared and requires
July 21st, 2024 | Speaker Christy Penley
The purpose you live for and what comes out and the impact on others….it is not about just praying because it is good but because it is necessary. Sounds so
July 14th, 2024 Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
From the Exile to the NT the relationship between the people of God and culture is to win Babylon
over through acts of goodness and love. And to be
July 7th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
What deep and good longing in you is the enemy is exploiting to lead you away from God?
Are you chasing a thing (idol) that promises power over that
Sunday June 30th, 2024 | Kyle Collins
In the ways God intervenes, we see something about God’s heart for His people… He doesn’t abandon. Even
though they reject God as their king and the
June 23rd, 2024 | Speaker Preston Goff
When we look at the story of Samson, we see a man who had to reach the very depths of his own failure and brokenness to finally understand the true source of
June 16th, 2024 Speaker: Christy Penley | Joshua 6
When life is hard we need perseverance. Oftentimes we quit. Sometimes we pray but it is easy to feel that since we’ve asked for something, the
June 9th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 20:1-21
The only reason God gives commands is because he loves us so deeply and he is hoping to lead us to a life full of freedom and
May 26th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 14
We need to be still. We need to still ourselves so that we can see what God is doing…
How he is working in our lives and how he fighting
May 19th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 1 & 2:1-10
As we become more formed into the image of Jesus, we will also want to participate in God’s work of opposing oppression.
May 12th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Genesis 37:1-36 & 45:1-11
Jesus broke the rule of Karma in our life. And because of his forgiveness we won’t ever reap what our sin has sewn with
May 5th, 2024 | Speaker Suzy Bates
God is with us, present in that struggle, no matter what it is and no matter what caused it. We can be assured that God is present and maybe even closest when we
April 28th, 2024 | Speaker: Christy Penley | Genesis 22:1-19
How could God be opening up your eyes to more of himself? What does it look like to step into
believing God’s character more fully?
April 21st, 2024 Speaker: Kyle Collins
Adam and Eve did the same in the Garden by trying to become like God. We will get something from God and
then we won’t need God. In fact the whole first part
April 14th, 2024 | Speaker Jonathan Cleveland | Genesis 1-11
The flood is not the story of God destroying humans because he is mad.
The flood is the story of how humans destroyed the earth and
March 24th, 2023 | Speaker: Suzy Bates
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one
March 10th, 2024 | Speaker: Christy Penley
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—
15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.
March 4th, 2024 | Speaker: Suzy Bates
God knows what he’s doing in the people around us. The moment we think WE are the ones who know what God is or isn’t doing in somebody else is a moment worth
February 25th, 2024 | Kyle Collins
A secret to the spiritual life is this… the ultimate destination is being with God, not a specific place in our
formation or spiritual maturity. Relationship
Feb 12th, 2024 Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
People who flee sexual immorality and brokenness understand that sex is symptomatic.
And they attend to the issues under the surface that express
February 4th, 2024 | Jonathan Cleveland
The goal for a Christian marriage is to experience the grace of God and to represent God’s grace to your spouse.
December 24th, 2023 Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 – NIV)
November 12th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland
Love is the fulfillment of the law.
True righteousness is not about being a perfectly moral person.
It is about being a loving person.
October 22nd, 2023 | Christy Penley
Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the
October 8th, 2023 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland The scariness of hell has never changed a heart of stone. It is the beauty of eternal life that changes the heart.
September 24th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland | Romans 3
Sin is about being oriented towards self not towards God. And we will never really understand what sin is or how the Gospel frees us from sin
September 17, 2023 | Christy Penley
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
September 3rd, 2023 | Suzy Bates
The depth of the bible is in the transformation of lives. Not in how we are so tempted to use it, to prove this or disprove that.
Romans 1 and 2 don’t single out gay people as a special class of sinful human.
It actually levels the playing field and points out that all humanity together and individually has walked away from God
August 20th, 2023 | Romans 1:1-17 Paul is convinced that it is only the Gospel that has any power on earth to change things, repair things, and save people.
July 16th, 2023 | John 3:1-21 | Kyle Collins
To embrace the kingdom Jesus is talking about here means Nicodemus was going to have to give up everything and to be sure there was plenty Nicodemus
July 2nd, 2023 | Mark 5:21-43 | Suzy Bates
"Our prayer today shouldn't be Lord, increase our faith, but Lord increase our awareness of what faith already looks like in our lives."
May 28th, 2023 | Acts | Jonathan Cleveland
That was the plan all along – not that Jesus would fix it for us but that we would fix it WITH God through the Holy Spirit.
May 21st, 2023 | Acts 28
Evangelism is less about making something happen than it is about noticing the opportunities for the Gospel and the Kingdom in our current situation.
May 14th, 2023 | Acts 20-22 | Jonathan Cleveland
We have a God who chose to suffer too. We are the only people who worship a God who suffered just like us.
May 7th, 2023 | Acts 17 | Gary Cantwell
Why did he create us? So that we would seek God. And once you find God, you have the privilege of helping others feel their way toward Him
April 23rd, 2023 | Acts 9:23-20:3
The true Gospel frees people from the idolatry of self. A non-religious person doesn’t want a system they just trust in themselves
April 16th, 2023 | Acts 15:36–16:10 & Paul Intro
If we are open and humble there is often something God is trying to form in us in the midst of relational strife and conflict.
April 9th, 2023 | Luke 24 | Jonathan Cleveland
Believing in a risen Jesus is believing in a Jesus who has scars
God’s love for you has left a visible healed wound on him for eternity.
April 2nd, 2023 | Acts 15 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland
Have you spent more time letting scripture form that opinion or have you spent more time letting other
things form that opinion?
March 26th, 2023 | Acts 14 | Suzy Bates
Jesus always focused on what was going on inside. Inside hearts and inside heads. And he didn’t let what was going on on the outside, distract him from that.
March 5th | Acts 11 | Christy Penley
We need an encourager to come alongside us and support us and counsel us and cheer us on.....to give us grace. This is what Barnabas did for Saul.
February 26th, 2023 | Act 10 | Jonathan Cleveland
God never stops working on us because he wants our identity to be SOLELY tied to our relationship with Christ.
February 19th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland
Jesus saw sexually broken people as whole people.
He loved them and saw them as more than their brokenness.
He invited them to faith. He defended them and
February 12th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland
God loves us so deeply. But that means not only does he embrace us at our worst. It also means he longs for us to become our truest self.
February 5th. 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland
In the expression of sexuality no one was a body. Everyone was a person connected to God bearing the image of God.
January 29th | Acts 9 | Jonathan Cleveland
The ordinary skills God has given us, done in love and in Jesus name, are the primary tool God will use to change the world.