
The Importance of Creativity During a Crisis

April 3, 2020

Life has been interrupted leaving us scrambling to figure out what this mean for us. God made us creative, expressive people and while technology is keeping us all connected during these unsettling days, there’s also a need to be able to express ourselves through physical exercise as well as doing some hands-on creating.

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Living Life Under a Stay-at-Home Order

March 31, 2020

This time of social isolation creates space for a lot of reflection and discovery. For David White, one of our elders, it has lead to a new perspective on the story in Mark about the leper who asks Jesus to heal him. The healing was about so much more than the physical restoration … it restored him to community.

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The Bittersweet Place of Hope

March 21, 2020

Sometimes we get lost in this idea of helping others in far places and lose site of who we can help in our immediate vicinity. I was ready to go wherever God wanted me to go. But, he already had me where he wanted me to be. I am now standing with people in their fear, panic, worry, and loss.

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a rope wrapped around a tree

A Reminder to Be Steadfast

March 18, 2020

I’m not sure where your heart is with our world spinning out a bit, but I do know that we are all feeling the weight of this current season in some way. In times like this we are tempted to fix, control, understand, and numb out. But I’ve been focusing on the word “steadfast.” Our God is steadfast. And we should be too.

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Why I’m shaving my beard for Lent.

February 23, 2020

The season of Lent begins this Wednesday. It’s a time for reflection on what we hold onto that roots us in this world instead of being free in the Kingdom of God. Nate Huntley shares the unique way he is recognizing Lent this year.

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The Best Way to Be Heard in a Noisy World

February 20, 2020

Is it just me, or is the world getting louder and angrier? It seems no matter which way you turn, someone is shouting to have their view point or their cause heard. How do we, as Christians, engage in the important matters of the world, our country and our hometown in a way that honors Jesus? The answer may surprise you.

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A Talking Beaver and A Teachers’ Lounge

December 5, 2019

When Aslan came to Narnia, he brought Christmas back. His presence changed everything, and there’s something happening in our city, a presence of something good, something like Aslan, that’s making Colorado Springs feel a little like Narnia.

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An Invasion of Hope

December 2, 2019

This week we entered the season of Advent. This is a time that represents a season of expectant waiting and preparation leading up to Christmas and the celebration of Jesus’ birth. An invasion of hope when life feels uncertain. And this season of hope … of Advent … is meant for everyone.

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The Platform Nobody Wants

October 25, 2019

D.C. Talk formed the soundtrack of my teen years. I knew every single word of Free at Last. 30 years later I’m still listening to his music and continue to be a TobyMac fan to this day. And yet no words from Toby MacKeehan have impacted me the way reading his Facebook post about his son did.

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The Beauty Beyond Me

October 3, 2019

Something is changing in me. I’ve been doing this teaching thing for over twenty years, but I’m ashamed to admit, I’ve been selfish. But God is changing me, one interruption at a time.

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