Lent Experience 2023

Lenten Experience Guide

What exactly is Lent? And why do we practice it?

Lent is a 40-day journey leading to Holy Week and Easter. For believers, this journey is focused on an intentional purpose to come to closer to Jesus. It's a time to press into various practices and listen to where God is leading and what he is doing in your heart.

| Four Minutes for 40 Days |

Lent is a dedicated time of saying yes to God. Each day we encourage you to P.R.A.Y.

Pause | Light a candle and center yourself

Reflect | Read the scripture for that day and reflect

Ask | What is God inviting me into? What truth can I marinate in?

Yield | Close in prayer surrendering to the Spirit's leading.

Lent Card (5 × 7 in)-7

| Communion |

On the night before he was arrested, Jesus gathered around the table with his disciples. He did what Jesus always does – he took the old celebration of Passover (practiced by the people of God as a remembrance of their rescue out of slavery in Egypt) and made it new – breathing fresh meaning and symbolism into this breaking of bread and drinking of wine.

Communion is about remembering.

Remembering the cross and what Jesus did for us.

Remembering our brokenness.

Remembering the intensity of his love and all that it means for us.

When Jesus shared his Last Supper, it was around the table with friends.There is something special about sharing this practice together. Jesus knew we would need one another to keep these remembrances center of our hearts and at the forefront of our minds.

Within these next 40 days, we encourage you to gather at a table at least twice to experience communion with your family, friends, small groups, and/or neighbors. Together, let's remember Jesus' journey to the cross and remind one another of his unconditional love for us.

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You can pick up a Lenten Experience Guide on Sunday mornings, or print your own.

If you would rather engage digitally, you're in the right place!

The Practices

Each practice can be used intentionally to bring you into the presence of God. You can use a different practice each day, a couple throughout the week, or just one.

Additional Resources

On the Blog...


Easter: I AM The Vine

Praying this Holy Week is filled with meaningful moments for you. Please join us for our Good Friday walk-through opening at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary. Easter services will be held at regular times. I AM We are studying the 7 statements Jesus makes in John beginning with this phrase – ‘I am’. The best way to get to know…

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I Am: The way, the truth, and the life.

Good morning, We are just a few days out from Holy Week and coming to the end of our Lent experience. You will receive one more email next Thursday as you prepare to go into Good Friday and the weekend before Easter. I AM We are studying the 7 statements Jesus makes in John beginning with this phrase – ‘I…

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I Am: The Resurrection & Life

Good snowy afternoon, The past few weeks in this season have been an intentional time of focus on the true picture of Jesus. As we get ever closer to Holy Week, we pray that this resource is awakening you to Jesus in fresh ways. If you are just joining us or are wondering what Lent is all about, scroll to…

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I AM: The Good Shepherd

Good morning, Thank you so very much for engaging with our Lent resources during this season. If you would like to share how it’s been going for you, please do!  If you are just joining us or are wondering what Lent is all about, scroll to the bottom of this email. I AM We are studying the 7 statements Jesus makes…

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I AM: The Gate

Hello church, Very glad you are with us for week three of our Lenten journey. If you would like to share how it’s been going for you, please do!  If you are just joining us or are wondering what Lent is all about, scroll to the bottom of this email. I AM We are studying the 7 statements Jesus makes in…

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I AM: The Light of the World

Welcome to week two of our Lenten journey. I am praying for you as you continue your heart’s preparation. If you are just joining us or are wondering what Lent is all about, scroll to the bottom of this email. I AM We are studying the 7 statements Jesus makes in John beginning with this phrase – ‘I am’. The…

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I AM: The Bread of Life

What is Lent? The season of Lent is the 40 days leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection three days later and a time to prepare our hearts. This season has been observed by Christians all over the world for over 1,000 years. The purpose of participating and engaging in this time of preparation is to come…

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Reflections on the Eucharist

In the main hallway of our house hangs a print of a painting by a Ukrainian artist named Ivanka Demchuck. It’s titled “The Road to Emmaus”, and it characterizes a scene from the story of its namesake. Nearing the very end of the Gospel of Luke, two disciples were walking together on the road to Emmaus when Jesus Himself approached…

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The Practice of Visio Divina

For those who have never tried anything like this before, we want to help walk you through the practice of Visio Divina.

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The Practice of Parable Reading

Experiencing the words of Jesus in the fashion that He spoke them and discussing with others can show us things we haven’t seen before.

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