“Our October renewal retreat was so incredibly special for me for so many reasons. The speakers were outstanding! The food was delicious, the location was peaceful and beautiful, the worship time was soul quenching, I could go on and on. But my biggest takeaway from our time together was the laughter, the love and the fellowship with an amazing group of women. I loved listening to the younger ladies share their stories about their lives, careers, families and kids. But I also felt so connected with my age group as well. I could sit at any table for lunch/dinner or be with any small group and I felt connected, heard and most importantly loved! I’d love to see more ladies enjoy the same connection and comradery at future retreats. This one will always hold a special memory for me, the memory of unconditional love and acceptance among a group of sweet sisters in Christ.”
“I loved how everyone wanted to hold and help with Slade, like so much auntie/Grammy love in there surrounding my sweet boy. It was so helpful for me and I just felt incredibly supported as I walk through this season of single mom-hood.”