We are so excited to tell you about some new things in the works for the men and women of Pulpit Rock! God has been stirring some big things into the hearts of a few people we’d like to introduce you to.
Diane Stermer | A 17-Year Legacy

I am delighted to introduce to you Janae Collins as the new Women’s Ministry Director. For those of you who know Janae, you know of her love for God and her heart for ministry to women.
Janae and I have been working and praying together this past year to get us to this point. I am excited for you, the women of Pulpit Rock, and for the ministry, as she assumes leadership. Janae is an incredible leader and we look forward to her leading this ministry.
It was seventeen years ago, I was asked to step in as interim Director, while continuing to serve as Executive Administrator, a position I continue to fill. It has been a blessing to serve and lead an incredible group of women all these years. You, the women of PRC, serving and leading alongside of each other, through community, are the ministry. Lives of women have been changed and empowered because of your willingness to walk together and lend support and encouragement. Thank you for your amazing partnership. I am certain the ministry will continue to grow and improve under Janae’s leadership and your partnership.
I am no longer leading ministry, however, I will always be available to use my God-given passion of helping women in their personal pursuit of God, that they may experience his power to live the life he has for them. It is an exciting time for Pulpit Rock Church as we continue to grow into the church God has designed us to be. My husband and I are happy to continue to be members of this wonderful community.
Thank you, PRC leadership, for believing in me, supporting me and empowering me all these years. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to serve as one of your leaders.
Janae Collins | Women’s Ministry

I knew when I was a little girl that my heart beat for people. My parents always made enough food for the friends we brought home and they taught me the beauty of welcoming people into your home and life regardless of what was going on.
My first taste of leading women came in the form of being an RA in college. This still remains one of the highlights of my story. Going to a private school allowed this role to be more time curating Bible studies and connection between girls and less enforcing the rules. I loved every second of it.
A little over a year ago, I remember Diane sitting on my couch and telling me this role was mine to receive from her. She had asked me to pray about it, but I knew. I knew God was giving me a gift that spoke right to my soul. And for the next year I had this image in my head of God standing across the room smiling at me while holding this gift. Just as I would imagine running to Him and grabbing it, He would hold his hand up and say, “wait, be patient.”
This image has stayed with me until today. He’s walked closer and closer over the last year, bubbling up excitement with ideas and dreams that are ready to pour out of me. He’s been proving that His timing is good and His kindness doesn’t disappear if I don’t grab it before it’s too late.
I’m within His story just like He is within mine. Waiting to open the gift held power and training.
What an honor it is to be passed this ministry from a woman who has spoken to Jesus on our behalf and has created and nurtured us through thirty years of ministry. Thank you for leading and loving us so well, Diane.
I believe there is new life coming to women’s ministry at Pulpit Rock. I also realize that as women, it’s easy to live with expectations and emotions and opinions. And because of that, I want to learn alongside you. I want us to follow God’s presence and thoughtfulness. I want to lean into grace with you.
All the pieces and people in my story that have prepared me for this role are not lost on me. And I am so grateful.
To end on a fun note, I thought I’d introduce myself a bit through ten things you should know about me.
1. I’m married to Kyle and I love him a whole lot. Do you know him? 🙂
2. We have two babies who run our world these days.
3. My mornings are spent teaching the Bible to middle and high schoolers at Pikes Peak Christian School.
4. Sunshine, a good cup of coffee, and a great book make for my kind of morning.
5. If it can be done at our home, it will be. We love hosting.
6. I love to create and I love to write.
7. I watch re-runs of Gilmore Girls and FRIENDS on a rotation every year.
8. I’m scared of spiders, not feeling seen, and missing out on what God has created me to do.
9. I’m a 4w3 on the Enneagram. Which just means I have a serious need to feel unique, I have deep emotions, I live for authentic conversations, I have a heart to achieve and be perfect and when I’m stressed, I lean heavily on pleasing people.
10. I like you. When I’m sitting in church, God stirs in me a deep desire to know the women in our seats and to connect our stories together.

Hi I’m Tim Kippel and creating community is near to my heart, and actually the way I met my wife Andrea [funny story – ask me about it]. So when Pastor Kyle asked me to come on staff to curate men’s events I was caught off guard, but totally in the good way…
Plus Pastor Jonathan promised to teach me the secret of how he gets his sleeves rolled so perfectly.
Over the years I’ve always sought out opportunities to bring people together; ranging from heading up a college ministry in California, hosting gatherings and retreats, being an active member of a small group, or having a movie night. Even in my “day job” as Colorado Springs Police Officer, I work specifically with the homeless community.
Hope doesn’t grow in isolation, so for me it’s important to “do life” with other people.
I’ve been attending Pulpit Rock with my wife, Andrea, and 1 year-old daughter, Vivienne, for about five years. It is exciting to be here, because the teaching is genuine and so are the people. We are still in the planning stages for men’s ministry. I do know that I want to be a resource for you, to encourage you, to help you feel welcome.
I’m looking forward to meeting you, and I might just ask you “If you could choose three bands for a one time concert who would they be?” It’s a question that a friend asked me the first time I met him, and it gives a quick snapshot of what someone is like. For the longest time my answer to that question has been: “The Cure, The Clash and U2.”