We need your help to love the students and teachers at Panorama Middle School!

March 7, 2020 | Written by Kyle Collins

I am so excited to share with you all a new partnership that Pulpit Rock has formed with Panorama Middle School in D2.

Our church was recently asked to join a community team through the new COSILoveYou schools initiative to provide support, encouragement and resources to love on students and teachers at Panorama.

This Community Team partnership model brings multiple partners to the table to work together for “the best possible future for students and families.” Together alongside Solid Rock Christian Center, Kenney & Company, Weigh Out Ministries and the Behr Team Platinum Group, Pulpit Rock is doing just that for a school with some unique needs in our city!

Next year D2 is planning to level Carmel Middle School in plans to rebuild it, so all of the 7th and 8th grade students will join the students at Panorama to create a school within a school.

You can imagine the amount of logistics, planning, and prep involved in pulling this off.

Through the COSILoveYou Schools initiative our Community Team at Panorama got a chance to sit down with Principal Patricia Parks a few months ago and ask her what she was hoping for and dreaming about at Panorama.

She gave us a number of different projects and ideas and our Community Team went to work!

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

One of the ways we are planning to support Panorama is by funding Youth Mental Health First Aid Training for staff from Panorama, Carmel and Stratton Meadows.

We are in talks now with the district as well as other parties to pull this together for more than 180 teachers and staff at the end of the school year! We wouldn’t have been able to do it without the money you gave to this years Christmas Offering, so thank you for giving and allowing us to step in to this new partnership immediately with some meaningful support!

There are a number of other needs and ways you can help us support Panorama in even more tangible ways over the next few months. Would you and your family, friends, small group pray about helping support one of the following opportunities?? We can’t do this without you!

Spring Carnival – March 12th 5:30-7 PM

We are looking for volunteers to come alongside some of our high school students to host a “booth” at the school carnival with a fun carnival style game for 300 students and parents that are planning to attend. If you can join us at 4:45 to help set up and man a booth we would love your help. If you can’t join us for the event we are also looking for about 50 large bags of candy that will be used as prizes as students walk through the carnival and complete events!

Interested? Let Kyle Collins know!

Items for Panorama Student Incentive Store – March and April in the Grove

On Sunday mornings in the Grove the giving focus will be stocking the Panorama Student Incentive store. Much like the AWANA store we had at Pulpit Rock, this is a place where students who finish work, show up to class and work hard are rewarded with points that they can spend on toys and items. You would be amazed how motivating a pair of ear buds, candy or poster can be for a student!

Your kids can bring items or money every Sunday this spring.

For more info talk to Lindsay Yochum!

Snacks for Panorama Teachers – April 6th and April 27th

Did you know that one of the highest indications of student success is teacher retention? This is a super easy way to love on the 30 teachers and staff at Panorama and let them know they are appreciated!

Pulpit Rock is signed up to bring snacks to stock the teachers lounge for the week on April 6th and April 27th.

If you would like to help pull snacks together and deliver to the school let me know and I will get you all the details.

COSILoveYou School SERVE Day – May 2nd

Pulpit Rock will be coordinating a number of service projects on May 2nd at Panorama. We will be painting bathrooms, assembling desks, cleaning and organizing a storage room and improving the outside grounds as well! Some folks from our Love Your Neighbor teams will be helping us out and we would love you and your friends and family to join us too!

You can sign up to join us here.

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