My wife Andrea and I are big … BIG … fans of Dave Ramsey.
Why? Because within 2 years of following his steps we paid off $120,000 in debt!
So when Pulpit Rock asked us to host the upcoming Financial Peace University we gladly said “Yes!”
Over the years, we have encouraged others to live within their means and as Dave Ramsey says, “Live like no one else so later you can live like no one else.”
Trying to do anything without a plan is a bad idea. So going through life without taking control of one of the things that can truly impact most areas of your life is just crazy. Yet most people do this. I’ve talked with friends who know their financial situation is bad, yet they’d rather keep their head buried in the sand than address things. Other friends who feel “too poor” to budget.
Having a budget isn’t handcuffs; it is making your money work for you. Andrea and I have found that having a plan actually brings freedom. There isn’t worry that a check will bounce or that we won’t have funds for important things because we have predetermined what we’re willing to spend any given month.
I’d always aspired to be debt free, and for years I dumped my tax returns and overtime money into the debt black hole. I never felt like I was making an impact on my debt because I didn’t have a plan. I thought having car payments was what everyone did. One of the people I looked up to most even reinforced the “everyone’s doing it” narrative.
We don’t have to live like everyone else and as believers we are called to be set apart … even “strangers.”
- Make your money, big or small, work for you and your family.
- Get on the same page with your spouse – talk about the “why.”
- Dare to dream again.
Financial Peace University has been one of the key things in our journey to becoming debt free, and we are excited to join with you in your journey.
We will meet once a week for 9 weeks, and the commitment is well worth your time. Classes consist of a short video lesson and a time for discussion.
Don’t worry … it’s fun talking about your future.
The cost of the class ($109) gets you a kit that includes Dave Ramsey’s best selling book “Total Money Makeover,” a workbook, and a budgeting app called “EveryDollar Plus” (a $99 value). Plus if you ever want to brush up on the information you can watch the videos again or attend any class in the country – for free, or as I like to say “Free 99”.
Written by Tim Kippel
Our next Financial Peace University class starts on January 21. The cost is $109.
Register for FPU.
Questions? Contact Tim.