The first summer I worked with UW Sports Ministry was my life-changer. Anyone that knew me during those six years I was involved can testify that 90% of my conversations involved kids, basketball, camps, and churches. God lit a spark in my college freshman heart that will never truly fade.
I was a Children’s Pastor’s kid, known by the church and the staff, free to baby-sit for anyone, and understood VBS like the back of my hand. This sports camp, however, was NOT a VBS or just some summer activity at the church that provided childcare.
It held something rare and addictive.
And, I was hooked. I wore camp shirts and athletic shorts for six summers straight and traveled through North and South America to coach sports and teach Jesus.
Three years removed, I still have the curriculum ingrained in my system, I am Facebook friends with kids I’ve coached, and I have ongoing relationships with host home families I’ve stayed with. I know the college intern side of this ministry and have watched students (myself included) change and grow as they minister to kids in a new form of church camp.
But, I’ve also gotten to watch kids experience these camps. They change. It’s unreal and unbelievable, but within five days for three hours a day, they can transform completely. They gain confidence, receive deep love through a new practice, and as they learn new sports skills and teamwork, they gain courage. Singing and dancing like crazy people encourages them not to take Jesus too seriously, that He is fun and wants them to enjoy life. And, most importantly, sports camp is a sweet taste of raw and genuine community for them.
[quote]I LOVE that Pulpit Rock is bringing Sports Camp back again this year. Coaching kids in basketball, cheer-leading, and soccer while applying the Truth to their actions and souls is so life-changing for their little hearts.[/quote]
This is NOT just another summer activity for kids, but an opportunity for them to see Jesus through a different lens. One that is attractive instead of distant. One that is rare and addictive.
Don’t let your children miss Sports Camp this year. Limited space available.
[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Register for this year’s sports camp.[/button]
Written by Janae Collins