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Romans 7 & 8: The one where we preach the same passage again…

October 29, 2023

October 29th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland Apart from Christ we suffer and we are condemned alone. But in Christ we are redeemed together.ShareTweetPin0 Shares

The Good Book: Studying the Historical Context of the Bible

October 22, 2023

October 22nd, 2023 | Christy Penley Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him and will dine with him, and he with Me. ShareTweetPin0 Shares

Romans 6: The one about sinning more?

October 8, 2023

October 8th, 2023 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland The scariness of hell has never changed a heart of stone. It is the beauty of eternal life that changes the heart. ShareTweetPin0 Shares

Romans 4 & 5: The one about getting saved…again

October 1, 2023

Speaker Jonathan Cleveland | October 1, 2023 Faith is us learning to trust that promise and when we do it will change our actions. ShareTweetPin0 Shares

Romans 3: The one about the brothers

September 24, 2023

September 24th, 2023 | Jonathan Cleveland | Romans 3 Sin is about being oriented towards self not towards God. And we will never really understand what sin is or how the Gospel frees us from sin until we understand that. ShareTweetPin0 Shares

The Good Book: Understanding the Context

September 18, 2023

September 17, 2023 | Christy Penley Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ShareTweetPin0 Shares