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Easter 2021: Trust

April 4, 2021

The hope of Easter Sunday is that, regardless of how it seems today, God is as trustworthy and loving as Jesus always said He is.

Last Words From the Cross: Finished

March 28, 2021

Jesus came to finish something that we were too powerless to escape on our own.

Last Words From the Cross: I Thirst

March 21, 2021

In the midst of our humanity, we can begin to rest in the security of our identity in the One whose human “end” was our very beginning.

Last Words From the Cross: Forsaken

March 14, 2021

We have a Savior who walked through incomprehensible suffering just so He could unmake what our wicked hearts produced.

Last Words From the Cross: Behold

March 7, 2021

When we behold one another, we walk in the power of God’s Kingdom here on earth.

Last Words From the Cross: Paradise

March 1, 2021

If we want our faith to grow, we must focus on Jesus, not on the adequacy of our faith.