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The Remnant Generation

May 29, 2022

May 29 2022 Hear the story of what God is doing through The Remnant Generation in Africa. How God prepared the world for us. God knew where we would thrive in where you were meant to be. We are where we are supposed to be.ShareTweetPin0 Shares

The 12 Minor Prophets: Looking Back

May 22, 2022

The prophets teach the utter hopelessness of all human societies, and they teach the intense beauty of God’s Kingdom.

The 12 Minor Prophets: Malachi

May 15, 2022

Soft-hearted people are more likely to hear from God.

The 12 Minor Prophets: Zechariah Part 2

May 8, 2022

Apocalyptic literature reveals the character of the God who exists outside of time and gives us hope for right now.

The 12 Minor Prophets: Zechariah Part 1

May 1, 2022

God never asks us to make up for what we’ve done. Only Jesus can fully atone for our sins!

The 12 Minor Prophets: Haggai

April 24, 2022

Jesus, the fountain of living water, is the only thing that can satisfy our thirst.