
Learn about Men’s Ministry

February 22, 2023

What are the Sunday/Wednesday morning groups? Since I came on board as the men’s director in the summer of 2019, I have felt this tangible sense that the men of Pulpit Rock Church really want community. Heck, I even had one guy at our monthly Beers & Brothers Fellowship tell me “I don’t really like people but … Read more

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Basecamp at Pulpit Rock

September 7, 2021

Men, YOU are invited to step into a community here at Pulpit Rock that is pursuing Jesus’ idea of being a ‘man.’ 

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Guys, Games and Grub

January 30, 2020

Saturday night the Student Center was filled with camaraderie, laughter, the smell of pizza and about 30 men from PRC. We gathered together to play games and create community. It was awesome to see men, many of which had never met, connecting as brothers in Christ.

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