
A Successful Spring CityServe

May 8, 2024

THANK YOU! Last weekend over 1,800 volunteers showed up for the hurting, struggling and vulnerable neighbors in our City! People from different ages, backgrounds, socio-economic classes, and demographics – over 80% of whom are affiliated with a local church – came together to love the City with no strings attached. CityServe is truly a place … Read more

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Spring CityServe Coming Soon

April 17, 2024

Join thousands of others to serve your city! Every year, COSILoveYou orchestrates large-scale events that make it as easy as possible for you to make a tangible difference in our city. CityServe Days are designed to introduce you to organizations that you could work alongside to care for hurting, struggling neighbors with practical expressions of … Read more

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Thank You for Serving!

October 18, 2023

A few ago 2,000 volunteers served across the Pikes Peak region as a part of our Fall CityServe weekend! Volunteers loved our city through simple tasks like pulling weeds, cleaning, making cards of encouragement, picking up trash, painting, and more. Throughout the weekend, volunteers provided over 5,500 hours of volunteer labor and over $173,000 of monetary … Read more

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A few days away from CityServe!

October 2, 2023

We all know about Jesus’ commission to his disciples [us] to be “sent as the Father sent me” (John 20:21). Often times it can be hard to figure out how to be sent into our culture, our world, our city, and be good news and light to others. CityServe, through CosILoveYou provides a perfect way … Read more

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