Tiah Ciganek

Sunday School Stories: Jericho | Joshua 6

June 16, 2024

June 16th, 2024 Speaker: Christy Penley | Joshua 6 When life is hard we need perseverance. Oftentimes we quit. Sometimes we pray but it is easy to feel that since we’ve asked for something, the answer to our prayers should immediately be forthcoming or our need should quickly be met. However, God is not a … Read more

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Join Us in the Church Nursery & Preschool

June 12, 2024

As we gather each Sunday to worship and grow together, we are reminded of the importance of every member of our church family, from the eldest to the youngest. Today, we are reaching out to you with a special request that touches the very heart of our church family. Our nursery and preschool are home … Read more

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Sunday School Stories: 10 Commandments | Exodus 20:1-21

June 9, 2024

June 9th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 20:1-21 The only reason God gives commands is because he loves us so deeply and he is hoping to lead us to a life full of freedom and flourishing.

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Partner Spotlight | Matt & Shari Devine

June 5, 2024

How much value do we all see in making friends in our busy culture? Every text I send, every phone call I make, it always starts with one, or both of us saying, “I’ve been so busy.” Does this sound familiar? So how does sharing the gospel fit into a fast-paced American lifestyle? “You make … Read more

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Guest Speaker: Greg Lindsey

June 2, 2024

June 2nd, 2024 Join us as Greg Lindsey from Discovery Church shares about his journey and walk in Christ.

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Women’s Ministry Summer Fun!

May 30, 2024

Hello Ladies, We hope you’re having a great start to your summer! We have some great events coming up and a new book study called, “Adore” starting Sunday, June 9th. Check out the women’s ministry website to mark your calendars and learn more about the book study!   Women’s Ministry Website

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Sunday School Stories: Burning Bush to the Red Sea | Exodus 14

May 26, 2024

May 26th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 14 We need to be still. We need to still ourselves so that we can see what God is doing… How he is working in our lives and how he fighting for us.

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1,000 Neighborhood Gatherings Campaign
Be a Host!

May 24, 2024

This campaign is a joint partnership initiated by Mayor Yemi and COSILoveYou to curb the growing trends of loneliness, isolation, and despair in our city. The goal is to engage 100 churches in this effort, working together to host 500 neighborhood gatherings between May (Mental Health Awareness Month) and September 28th (National Good Neighbor Day). … Read more

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Sunday School Stories: Moses | Exodus 1 & 2:1-10

May 19, 2024

May 19th, 2024 | Speaker: Jonathan Cleveland | Exodus 1 & 2:1-10 As we become more formed into the image of Jesus, we will also want to participate in God’s work of opposing oppression.

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Showing God’s Love Through Hospitality

May 15, 2024

“We’re meeting some friends, could you tell us how to get to the balcony?” “It’s our first time here and we’re wondering what you have available for our kids.” “I’ve never been to church before. I drive by here every day and figured I should check you guys out.” “I’m new in town, been to … Read more

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