All Under His Dominion

February 15, 2022 | Written by Andrew Williams

We got to learn about Obadiah on Sunday, and we’ll get to dive into Joel over the next couple of weeks. If you’ve missed any sermons on the 12 Minor Prophets, you can watch those here at anytime!

Something we get to do on our blog is share the thoughts and learnings of others as we read through the Minor Prophets together! Find the Reading Plan, along with more Reflections, here.

Andrew Williams:

The book of Obadiah is the shortest and probably the most forgotten book in the Old Testament. We see the relations between Israel and Edom and the numerous conflicts that had developed between the Edomites and Israelites.

After reading the book of Obadiah, doing a bit of research, and praying, I took away a few things that I view very important when it comes to relationships and the nature of people.

One, is how easy it can be for those we know best to become objects of bitter resentment. Our emotions can rule over our good sense, just as it did when Edom should’ve sided with Judah against the Babylonians, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.

Second, is to repent of the pride which our fractured relationships inevitably result from. The pride that shelters us from seeing the error of our own ways, and prevents us from fellowship with God Himself.

The last takeaway I got from Obadiah came from the last verse, verse 21. It reads, “Then saviors shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.” I love this verse because it shows that the goal is not the destruction of Edom or the exaltation of Israel, but that the whole world and all people come under the dominion of the one true God.

Overall, the book of Obadiah is packed full of powerful lessons on growing in godliness, pursuing holiness, and our walk of faith. I encourage you to dive into this book further to really understand the relations between Israel and Edom!

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