The Barnyard Project

March 16, 2021 | Written by Lindsay Yochum

Giving in The Grove is a special focus each Sunday where our Kindergarten through 4th Graders have the opportunity to give support through a drive, a project, a need, etc. through their offerings.

We work to be intentional about our giving and create tangible ways for kids to see their gifts in action. So for January and February, our focus was the Barnyard Project.

1 in 8 people in the developing world don’t have enough to eat. Rural farmers in developing countries struggle to grow enough food for their own families, much less sell for additional income. Without tools and support, they stay locked in the cycle of poverty.

We encouraged our kids to help support families in breaking this cycle – to help farming families get the tools they need, which leads to more food, more income and more hope.

Kids had the opportunity to bring funds to “buy” animals for these families through World Vision. $25 for chickens, $50 for pigs and $85 for goats!

We even had a student leader, Tallulah Bates, come in to talk to the kids about her opportunity to deliver a goat to a family while she was on a mission trip many years ago.

The hearts of these kids during this project of giving was astounding! They proved that giving of the offering is more than just turning in your loose change – these kiddos emptied piggy banks, did extra chores, and so much more.

They brought in a total of $470.26 in just 8 Sundays.

The dedication and enthusiasm they put toward this offering focus is incredible! We were able to purchase 2 goats, 10 chickens, 2 pigs and a share of an ox and plow.

For March and April, we’ll be focused on a bedding drive for Love Your Neighbor, and I can’t wait to see how these fantastic kids will respond to our next challenge!

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