Advent 2020 | LIGHT

December 23, 2020 | Written by Diane Stermer

Advent is an exciting time of expectation and hope.

Our focus during this time is directed to Jesus and his extraordinary birth; the long awaited arrival of the Messiah, the Savior of the world.

One of the popular traditions connected with Advent is the Advent Wreath with five candles; each candle with its own representation. The first candle represents Hope; the second represents Peace; the third Joy; the fourth Love, with the fifth candle representing Jesus Christ himself.

Often times we are so focused on the enjoyment of the celebration, the representations, that we allow ourselves to evade the importance and implication of the event being celebrated.

Imagine what it would look like to step into Advent with great focus, purpose and intentionality, to embrace Jesus as our personal light, the only Light that is able to disperse the darkness deep within our soul.

Freedom awaits each person who is willing to step into that place with Jesus, with vulnerability and transparency. When we establish a personal relationship with Him, we are equipped to fully embrace and truly experience God’s hope, joy and love.

Enjoy the festivities of Advent; but don’t stop there; embrace the One who’s birth we celebrate, Jesus, the Light of the world. 

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