Welcome to Pulpit Rock Church in Colorado Springs

If you’re reading this page, you most likely came to us through Google. And we’re guessing you’re looking for information on churches in Colorado Springs.

Maybe you’re looking for your “Goldilocks” church, the church that’s “just right” for you and your family. Or maybe you’re wanting to research the many different churches in Colorado Springs before you visit.

Regardless of how you found us, we’re glad you’re here! And we want to help you.

But we can’t really talk about other churches in Colorado Springs. Other churches aren’t what we know about. We’re not a part of their congregations or denominations, and we don’t want to misrepresent anyone.

Besides, there are over 300 churches representing more than 40 denominations in the city.

What we can do, is tell you about us — Pulpit Rock Church.


Individually, the following items are not unique to us. But when taken together the seven items in this list make us stand apart from other Christian churches in Colorado Springs.

  1. We have an important role to play in bringing the love of Jesus Christ to Colorado Springs. We want to be plugged into our community and in relationship with our city leaders and government officials. We want to champion our local culture and join with other churches in Colorado Springs to represent Jesus well to our city.
  2. You won’t find any perfect people at Pulpit Rock. We are messy…because life is messy. We don’t hide our failures. Instead, we value courageous vulnerability and open, honest and transparent relationships. As our senior pastor, Thomas Thompson, likes to say, “All of you are welcome, and all of you is welcome.”
  3. Our desire is for everyone to live free of shame. You will be loved more, not less, for opening up, sharing and inviting others into the difficulties in your life.
  4. We don’t require you to believe as we do before you can be a part of us. Anyone and everyone is welcome to worship with us.
  5. We do not view or define ourselves as “saved sinners.” We are fully redeemed children of God learning to live out the reality of who God says we are.
  6. We aren’t threatened by differences of opinion. Each and every one of us is a unique individual created in the image of God, reflecting different and specific aspects of God’s character. We are better together.
  7. We do our best to stay away from labels. Labels divide people. They distract us from the gospel.


We are a non-denominational church that teaches the truth of Jesus Christ with vulnerability, humility, and respect for others.

You will find that we are a little bit different than other churches in this city, and that is intentional.

We lead from a place of vulnerability and openness. That means you might see some of our mess sometimes, but we're okay with that. (It's a part of everyone. We just talk about it.)

We are a place where your questions are welcome. We applaud you for asking them and we'll be a safe place for you as you work through them.

We are committed to making sure you feel seen, known and loved. Our goal is for you to find true belonging and acceptance.

We believe church ought to be safest place to wrestle with your faith. We value the balance that comes from differing viewpoints. Although that means occasional tension, we embrace tension because it leads to growth.

Our faith rests not in a book or a set of beliefs, but in a person and an event ... the person of Jesus Christ and his crucifixion and resurrection offers us LIFE. With the apostle Paul, we seek to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified.


  • We’re located at 301 Austin Bluffs Parkway, Colorado Springs, CO 80918.

We’re just down the road from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and right around the corner from University Village Shopping Center on North Nevada Avenue.

We’re not located here by accident. God put us in the heart of the city to be the heart of the city.

  • We hold service on Sundays at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
  • This is what we believe — our statement of faith.
  • If you have questions or need more information, you can call us at (719) 598-6767
  • We’re looking forward to meeting you. Come join us on Sunday morning.