You’re Making a Difference in Myanmar

September 9, 2021 | Written by Steve Coe

Since March, all donations made to the Refugee Support designated giving account went towards food and relief in Myanmar. Read more about the crisis there and how your funds are being used.

Because of your generosity, we’ve been able to give a total amount of $6,326 towards these relief efforts so far!

Here’s an update from Steve on the economic and political crisis in Myanmar…

Since the Burma Army seized control of the government in Burma (Myanmar) on February 1st of this year, the world’s attention has been drawn to other global trouble spots.

However, economic and social conditions have continued to erode across Burma. Even though there is some appearance of a return to normal life for some civilians, the military and the police have continued to impose great hardship.

Murder, arrest, and extortion are a constant concern. Many who have been arrested have been found dead on the streets. Those who seek to do legitimate business in the cities are arrested and have vehicles impounded by the police. They are held without charge until payment is made for their release.

Adding to this, thievery and robberies have increased significantly, with the stronger taking advantage of the weaker. With no real hope for justice, the society is slipping into chaos.

Economically, the World Bank reports that, “An 18 percent contraction, coming on top of weak growth in FY2020, would mean that the country’s economy is around 30 percent smaller than it would have been in the absence of COVID-19 and the military takeover of February 2021.”

In outlying areas, the situation ranges from difficult to crisis. Those who are seeking to avoid confrontation are having to use what little remains of their savings to survive, while many of those who were impoverished before the coup are facing starvation. All are facing significant risk due to a resurgence of Covid-19 across the country. In addition to threats of military attack and Covid-19, many parts of the country have been subjected to one of the longest and most severe rainy seasons in recent history.

A shadow government (the National Unity Government) has been formed and is working to unite the 135 ethnic groups and multiple militias to present a united front of resistance to the military. Some nations are beginning to acknowledge the NUG as the legitimate representatives of the people. Others (including the US) have entered into dialog with their representatives, while appealing to the military to restore the democratically elected government.

Access to food and treatment of disease remain the greatest needs of the most impoverished people in remote parts of the land.

In response to those needs, donations are still being solicited through an arrangement with the Free Burma Rangers (now called “Free The Oppressed”). You can continue giving to Pulpit Rock’s Refugee Support designated giving account here.

For more updates on the situation in Myanmar, contact Steve.

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