Welcome back, roommate!

August 15, 2018 | Written by

After filling out my 32nd school re-enrollment form (I’m not kidding, I counted), my mind was numb. And I had two thoughts:

  1. I wonder if I should have read any of those things I just signed? And…
  2. This is a really crazy time of year!

For most parents of school age kids, this time of year is simultaneously full of hectic scrambling and cautious optimism. There is a lot of excitement about a new year, new teachers, new school clothes and the growth of our kids. But it is also an insane rush to get everything done before that first day of class.

I think the only people who seem more frantic than parents this time of year is teachers. Look at the face of one of your teacher friends and you will see the grim look of determination that I imagined all the soldiers had right before the boats landed at Normandy. A look that says, “I might not make it through this… but the cause is worth it.”

If you are a teacher … we are thankful for you! And we are praying for you!

The investment teachers make into kids and families is one of the things that makes our city the best. (Lliterally … we are the best.) It is a tremendous thing to live in a town that has great schools.

At Pulpit Rock we’ve had a great opportunity to observe the work of teachers in our city from a front row seat. Last year we started leasing to Global Village Academy (we are entering year 2 of a 5 year agreement). And we have gotten to see the incredible work this public charter school does for elementary and middle school families.

At Pulpit Rock we love this city. And we love those who help make this city what it is.

We wanted to thank the GVA staff team for all they do, so our staff and Elders did our favorite thing to do – eat good food with good people at the table!

The first day back for GVA faculty was August 6th, so we greeted them with breakfast tacos and coffee.

We truly appreciate the good work this organization is doing in our city.

We have a unique situation at Pulpit Rock. I always tell people that it is like our church has a roommate. Our roommate helps with the rent and keeps our big house from sitting empty during the week. But our roommate also invests in children and families and works for the good of our city.

And for that we are incredibly thankful.

Written by Jonathan Cleveland

You can learn more about GVA on their website. Or if you have questions about how it all works for our church, email Jonathan.


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