We are spending the next 40 days learning as a church family how to live joy-filled lives. As we learn to choose our thoughts, we are teaching ourselves to focus on things that bring us joy.
With that in mind, we’d like to invite you to take the PRC Joy Challenge.
The idea is simple.
Each day, snap a photo of something that brings you joy.
Maybe it’s a place.
Maybe it’s a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.
Maybe it’s a child or a pet.
A favorite TV show.
A book.
A pair of slippers or comfy pants.
A Superbowl party.
A meal you made.
A piece of art.
An act of kindness you witnessed.
Whatever it is that brings you joy that day, snap a picture of it.
Then post it to your Instagram, Facebook* or Twitter account and tag it with #PRCJoyChallenge.
*For Facebook posts, make sure your post is set to Public if you want it to show up in stream.
It’s up to you whether you want to do this each day, every few days or once a week. The point is that you are intentional about focusing on and capturing your joy moments.
We will be collecting these Joy Moment photos and possibly using them for a surprise to be unveiled on Easter.
(Oh and they also may show up in the feed on our 40 Days page!)
If you don’t have a social media account, no worries! You can still participate in the PRC Joy Challenge!
You can submit your photos online at www.pulpitrock.com/joy-challenge.