New Group: Mental Wellness in the Church

August 21, 2024 | Written by Issac & Lizzy Cano

Participating in mental health inside the church What comes to your mind when you think of mental health?

Some people might see mental health as a biological problem that can only be addressed through medication from a professional. Some may have grown up in a church that frowned on mental health and viewed emotional difficulties as “not having faith that God could heal you”. While others still might view it as an issue that broken people have that needs fixing.

But mental health and wellness at its core is really about taking care of yourself mentally and emotionally.

It’s taking steps to help improve or heal the same way we would take steps to exercise or eat healthy to improve our physical health. When you allow a broken bone to heal properly, you can do more with your body. If you eat more fruits and vegetables, you’ll feel better. When you go hiking in the mountains or take a walk in your neighborhood, you’re making your body stronger. The same is true for mental health. You can take actions that can either help heal or help strengthen your mental and emotional wellbeing, or help you connect with people who can walk alongside you and support you.

Creating a space in the church for mental wellness

At Pulpit Rock, we have an opportunity for those who would like to participate in having conversations about their mental health. We believe God designed us with our emotions and capacity for thoughts and beliefs, and that we should be open about mental health conversations in a safe and loving setting.

Starting on Wednesday, September 11th at 6:30 PM, we will be hosting a free 8-week small group here at Pulpit Rock on mental wellness where the purpose will be to create a space for anyone looking for spiritual support in their mental health journey. This will have a “small group” feel where dialogue is encouraged through a structured set of questions. We hope that participants of this group feel like they can bring their stories, experiences and struggles into a safe space where we can unpack them without guilt or judgment and invite Jesus into our conversations.

To sign up for this group Register Here! 

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