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Sermon Audio

The Book of Mark: Good News

September 8, 2019

Jesus is the one worth preparing for, and the one bringing the good news.

The Book of Mark: Intro

September 1, 2019

A public reading of scripture, the account of Jesus, from the book of Mark.

Fearless Acts: Tribalism

August 25, 2019

The gospel is for all people, especially those outside of our Christian tribe.

Fearless Acts: Lean In

August 18, 2019

We have to learn to be slower to opt out and more faithful to lean in when a relationships struggle.

Fearless Acts: Holy Spirit

August 11, 2019

The foundation of a brave life is walking with the Spirit. Our culture needs believers who are brave.

Table Manners for Flawed People: Jonah

July 28, 2019

Until we allow the whole truth of God’s love and acceptance of us to transform us, we are only partial image bearers, portraying a half-hearted message.