Lives, Breathes, Guides.

May 3, 2021 | Written by Sandy Golias

We invite you to continue reading 1 John with us this month! Follow along here.

Sandy Golias: 1 John 4 & John 13:31-35

As long as I have been a Christian, I have pictured God way, way up in the vast expanse of heaven while I struggle with life here on earth.

It hit me as I read 1 John 4 that my intentional act of loving others is evident of God living inside me.

He is not merely an entity up in the sky. His spirit lives, breathes and guides me each and every day. He is with me, concerned about me, interceding for me. As I diligently show my love to others by praying for them and encouraging them, God is pleased with me. That encourages me greatly.

“Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”  1 John 4:16

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