Lent Experience 2022

What exactly is Lent? And why do we practice it?

Different religious traditions observe Lent in different ways. But essentially, Lent is a 40-day observance leading to Holy Week and Easter. The 40 days correspond to Jesus’ time fasting in the wilderness prior to the beginning of His earthly ministry.

The purpose of participating and engaging in this time of preparation is to come closer to Jesus. As Christians, we can also use Lent to prepare and anticipate what God is going to do in our lives. Lent is not just a season of giving something up, but it is really a season of focus – focusing our attention and being intentional about the work of God in our lives. Lent is a time to press in to some intentional practices and listen for where God is leading and what He is doing in your heart.

You can pick up a Lenten Experience Guide on Sunday mornings, or print your own.

If you would rather engage digitally, you're in the right place!

The Practices

There are several different options for engaging with the parables. 

Each practice can be used intentionally to bring you into the presence of God. You can use a different practice each day, a couple throughout the week, or just one.

Additional Resources

On the Blog...

Should I Fast During Lent?

A few thoughts and ideas to help you in your decision making about fasting during Lent.

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Why Parables?

Why are we focusing on the parables of Jesus during this season of Lent?

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How Do I Engage With My Kids During Lent?

10 ways to engage with your kids during the season of Lent!

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