Being heard, being known and being accepted are all valuable elements of a relationship. These are basic desires, common to each of us. However, without intentionality it is not something we are likely to experience.
In our Women’s Ministry, it is with this intentionality that we pursue God and pursue community through relationships.
It is easy to have what I call “above the waterline” conversations. In other words … small talk. However, it is hard to feel heard, known or accepted, if all we engage in is small talk. It is only when we are willing to push back on the temptation to withdraw and step into a place of authenticity, transparency and vulnerability – to dive down “below the water line” – where we experience real conversation with meaningful connection.
At Pulpit Rock, we recognize that life is hard, messy and often overwhelming.
The good news is God never intended for us to go through this messy life alone. He values community that comes through relationships. He created us to be in relationship with Himself and with each other.
Recognizing that He wants to be involved with our life, it is our desire to provide an opportunity for women to be encouraged in their personal pursuit of God through engaging with the Word as well as learning the practical application of it in day to day life.
Our willingness to share our stories – with all our messiness – allows for the opportunity to connect with each other, pray for each other and encourage each other to persevere in the pursuit of God – just as we are – in the midst of our messiness.
Is this something you want? If so, I look forward to having you join our Women’s group community.
To find out more about our Women’s Ministry or get connected, contact Diane.