Building a Lighthouse in Lebanon

September 24, 2019 | Written by Mohammed Yamout

As a part of last year’s Christmas Offering, we partnered with Pastor Mohammed to build two Refugee Lighthouses in the middle east. We wanted to show you what your money has done. Here are photos and a report from the Lighthouse we funded in Lebanon.

A year has passed since we launched our Lighthouse in Maraaka and nine months since you have started supporting the Lighthouse. Much has taken place but definitely God is on the movie in Maraaka…

Maraaka is a village in South-Lebanon, one of the largest villages in the South. Before the Lighthouse was established there was no Christian presence in Maraaka. Today we have two families and a few young people that profess faith and we have over a hundred people attending our evangelistic meetings. The people are more tolerant of the Christian faith and are ready to listen.

In Maraaka we share the truth of Jesus through The Good Shepherd Day Care. That started with eight children but today has over 30 children. Also this year we started a K1 class and until now we have seven children enrolled.

In Maraaka we show the love of Jesus through the Virtuous Woman Salon, which offers job opportunities to many young women who are not able to find a job in the village.

In Maraaka, we show the love of Jesus through distributing food portions and helping children enroll in school and offering music lessons to children.

We thank you for your continual prayers and support of our Lighthouse in Maraaka.

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