What does PRiSM stand for?
What We Value
Our core values are service and community. We believe we find our lives as we give them away to others and that teens won’t feel the whole of their significance until you give them something significant to do.
We place a high value on leadership and service and every teenager is given opportunity to step into these things weekly.
We believe that our parents are the most impactful spiritual influence on their child, so we engage and partner with our parents. We know that teens need other adult influences in their lives, speaking the same truths they hear from their own parents.
We place a high value on community and core groups, believing that if you don’t give space for kids to express their thoughts (and even doubts) about God, they will never make their faith their own. We have an incredible army of adults with big hearts for teens who lead our core groups each week.
What to Expect
Our students are an essential part of our church family. On a Sunday morning, you'll find our students all over... helping out with our littlest kids in the nursery, hanging with our elementary kids in The Grove, serving with the Hospitality team or on stage leading worship.
Our large group program is focused on community building, powerful teaching, worship, fun and games.
Our student core groups are gender/grade specific small groups led by our amazing team of adult volunteers.
If you're new, stop by the Welcome desk in the Student Center. We look forward to meeting you!