1,000 Neighborhood Gatherings Campaign

1,000 Neighborhood Gatherings Campaign

1,000 Neighborhood
Gatherings Campaign

Want to help gather your friends + neighbors?

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This campaign is a joint partnership initiated by Mayor Yemi and COSILoveYou to curb the growing trends of loneliness, isolation, and despair in our city.

The goal is to engage 100 churches in this effort, working together to host 500 neighborhood gatherings between May (Mental Health Awareness Month) and September 28th (National Good Neighbor Day).

As Pulpit Rock Church accepts the call to join this campaign, we invite you to consider hosting a neighborhood gathering. We have funds available to help provide for food or activities so let us know if you are interested!

Let’s extend the love of Jesus to our neighbors by hosting a gathering in our own neighborhoods.

Our city flourishes when our people love their neighbors.

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