We’ve spent nine weeks looking at ourselves through the stories of nine different people in the Bible. Based on what the Bible tells us, we took a guess at where each of those people might identify on the Enneagram. And we looked at why God might have made them to be so different and how He used them in their unique qualities.
And then we imagined what might take place if they all sat at a table together.
It actually looks a lot like life.
Hopefully you’ve been able to identify with one (or maybe a couple) of these people. (In case you missed one of the sermons, or you want to listen to one again, you can access all of them here.)
If you found yourself connecting with one of the nine people below, the corresponding truth likely resonates deeply.
Paul (1)
You may feel like you could never be righteous enough but just like you said yourself – God’s grace is sufficient for you.
Martha (2)
You can be so busy tending to others but you are loved no matter how much or how little you do for the people around you.
Jacob (3)
Your successes don’t give you your value, you are valued for just being yourself.
Joseph (4)
Even though you can feel insignificant or misunderstood, you are seen for who you are.
Nicodemus (5)
Faith often doesn’t make logical sense, so follow Jesus with your heart.
Rebekah (6)
It can be scary to trust but you are secure in God’s hands.
Peter (7)
Don’t run from painful experiences, God will take care of you.
Deborah (8)
Vulnerability is scary but it is your strength.
Jonah (9)
You may not think you’re up to the task but your presence makes a difference.