Recently I received this email from a woman that works in Senegal alongside our Pulpit Rock missionary Sherry Campbell.
Dear Caitlin,
My name is Angeline from Senegal. I am really thankful for your kindness. May God bless you. I am looking forward to use these documents.Thank you sooooooo much.
Angeline was writing to thank us for the gift of a subscription to Right Now Media – an extensive online library of thousands of streaming video Bible studies, conference sessions, leadership videos and children’s shows and movies. Angeline teaches English and is excited to use these resources in her classes and with her community.
In fact, Sherry also shares that she is using our RightNow Media account to lead a small study.
Greetings from Senegal, West Africa. We just received your latest group communication. In it you mentioned the RightNow Media subscription. Thank you for making this available to us as I have been using one of the Bible studies with a group of 4 ladies here. It is the Leslie Leyland Fields 6 session series on Crossing the Waters. We have really enjoyed it; she says a lot in only 10 minutes and then we use the free handouts that are provided.
Just thought you might be interested in knowing the subscription is being used here.
Sherry Campbell
Did you know that as a member of Pulpit Rock you’ve been give this very same gift?
Several years ago we partnered with Right Now Media to provide this resource to those that attend our church.
Your account can be accessed anywhere you have internet and these videos can be used in so many contexts and is available to you!
Written by Caitlin Garrett