100% SENT
Joining God’s work in the world.
What Does it Mean
to Live Sent?
“As the Father sent me, so I am sending you.” – Jesus (John 20:21)
The Church at Pulpit Rock holds a strong identity as sent people. We believe every follower of Jesus has been given that identity through statements like the one above. What does it mean to be sent? It’s actually tied directly to the words apostle and missionary, they are basically the same word in different languages.
Which means that all Christians should see themselves as everyday missionaries!
Missionary can be a scary word if you’ve been around church your whole life, but it simply means that you live and display the good news of God’s kingdom in your life in all the places where you live, work, play, and learn. Our desire as a community of faith is that we support and encourage each other as we discover our unique purpose and “sentness” in God’s kingdom.
That’s why we have courses like:
Finding Your Purpose in the Kingdom of God
We also want to invite you to participate with others here at Pulpit Rock who have found their kingdom purpose by joining opportunities like the ones below…
At Pulpit Rock we are all striving to find our “sent” rhythms in life.
Join us in that journey and discover your purpose and ways of living into the kingdom in tangible ways!
Serving The City
Did you know that in addition to normal giving (to support the operations and ministry of Pulpit Rock Church) we have special designated accounts where 100% of every dollar goes directly towards work in our city and around the world?
In the past 6 years, we’ve given away over $2M in funds through designated giving! That’s in addition to the $130,000+ we will invest this year alone in partner organizations and missionaries from our annual giving budget.
We have designated accounts connected to our current areas of focus and a designated missions account that you can give to support all year long…
100% of every dollar given for a specific purpose goes directly to that organization or ministry. Our regular budget funds things like admin and staff travel on missional trips, so we can ensure that every dollar makes it to the hands of those we are partnering with!
Meet Strategic Partners
Another way to participate and engage in the work God is doing all over the world & Colorado Springs is to pray for our partners!

Adam & Alejandra

Matt & Rachel

Isaac & Annabelle

Steve & Carol


Zoran & Dada


John & Natalie

Doug & Dawn


Matt & Shari

Jeremy & Monica

George & Cathy