Sunday Service Times at 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Partner Spotlight | The Watermans

How the Watermans are impacting the church leaders in Santo Domingo! 

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Small Beginnings

When we take that first step by faith, the Lord provides the grace to complete what He asks of us, just like He did for Zerubbabel.

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Justice, Mercy, & Compassion Aren’t Nice

Why is doing the work of justice, mercy, and compassion so hard?

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Caught up in the Urgent

How easy it is to get caught up in the urgent and forget the eternal. Haggai shows us the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God and what He has for us!

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Partner Spotlight | Jeremy & Monica Chambers

Introducing our new partners… Jeremy and Monica! Here’s a bit about them, how Arise RVA began, and how they are seeking to launch the Pando Collective in Denver.

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Join Our Team!

We are currently looking to hire a few people who are excited about what God is doing here!

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The Holy Spirit is at Work

Approximately 30 kids indicated they wanted to commit their lives to Jesus during VBS and Sports camp in Boquillas! Read more about the trip…

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Community Happens Around a Table

Members of our church family share about their experiences at First Table and Second Table!

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Partner Spotlight | The Exodus Road

Gifts to the 2021 Christmas Offering helped The Exodus Road expand investigations into SE Asia. We are excited to announce their first rescue in the Philippines!

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Partner Spotlight | Leku Keta

A construction update from our partners in Ethiopia!

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Partner Spotlight | George & Cathy Brown

George and Cathy share some updates on what’s happening in their life and ministry right now, as well as some updates from Ukraine.

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The Practice of Visio Divina

For those who have never tried anything like this before, we want to help walk you through the practice of Visio Divina.

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