Welcome to
Pulpit Rock Church

Welcome to
Pulpit Rock Church

The story of God can be found in the stories of His people.

Cultivating Wholeness | Held

Cultivate– to prepare the land for raising of crops Wholeness– the state of being unbroken or undamaged. In April, cultivating wholeness became more than an event for me. It became part of my story, body, and heartbeat. I am desperate for wholeness. But I am also more and more aware that I am already made whole. It’s the tension of holding…

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Summer Internship Experience

“What has been your experience?” My experience at Pulpit Rock Church has been full and brimming with new experiences. When I first came to intern here, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. I knew I would be working with kids and youth and was excited to put into practice some of the things I had learned in my classes…

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Denver Mission Trip Experience

The City Mission Trip was an awesome weekend where our students learned and grew closer to God and one another. Our students stepped up to some challenging and uncomfortable situations and loved people well! It was an incredible opportunity to partner with several organizations that do great work to help houseless friends in and around Denver. We worked with DryBones…

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imago Dei Prayer

This week, Sunday, July 9th we were joined by Preston Goff from our partner organization The Exodus Road. He closed his sermon with this beautiful benediction prayer. Lord, you have said That each one of us Has been created In your image, which can be difficult To understand when We see so much brokenness In our world. Yet when we…

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Overnight Camp Elim

Overnight Camp The first week of June was a bit of a blur! We had the opportunity to bring a handful of incoming 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders to overnight camp at Camp Elim in Woodland Park, CO. Camp Elim is just 45 minutes away from Colorado Springs, but in many ways, it’s a whole different world. At camp, our…

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Partner Spotlight | Stephanie Shalosky

Hello Pulpit Rock Church, I wanted to send an update on my journey with Cru. I got involved in Cru as a freshman at UCCS (University of Colorado Colorado Springs). I was aware of a few ministries on campus and had a few friends involved in Cru at other campuses. I reached out to the student-led group at the time…

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Pando Collective Helps SE COS Food Bank

Pando Collective Helps SE COS Food Bank Thanks to the Christmas Offering, The Pando Collective was able to help the budget gap for a SE COS Food Bank. Our own Rowland Smith was able to deliver the grant to Pastor Denise Waldon of Colorado Christian Fellowship for their Shepherd’s Pantry. Their food pantry serves 300 families a month on average…

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Backpack Bash 2023

New Backpacks & Volunteers Needed! The Backpack Bash is an annual collaborative effort involving more than 70 local churches, businesses, nonprofits, and school and government partners to support thousands of families across El Paso County. Every student receives a free backpack with new school supplies, and families get to interact with all kinds of organizations built to support them year-round….

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Women’s Summer Groups

Renewal Summer Women’s Ministry! This summer we are kicking off some NEW small groups and we want to invite you to join.  We have also updated our Renewal Women’s Ministry page! On there you will find all the upcoming events happening this summer.  Feel free to invite your friends to join! Join our New Women’s Study Groups Needle-crafting | June 10th…

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Celebrating the “Special” in Our Special Adult Friends in Pulpit Rock’s New Stage Design

Creative expression lives within each of us. We may argue we’re not artistic, that we “can’t even draw a stick figure”, however anyone can learn how to express themselves through limitless forms of creativity. After all, we are imago Dei. Created in the image of God. If God himself is creative, (truth found in the first five words of scripture),…

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Woodworking Classes Empower Adults with Developmental Disabilities

May 10, 2023, Colorado Springs, CO –  It’s such a heartwarming sight to watch an adult with special needs learn something new.  They project so much joy and the smiles on their faces show their newfound confidence and self-esteem. Love Your Neighbor, a Colorado Springs non-profit organization dedicated to serving the community by providing bunk beds for foster care kids…

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I Dont Want This to be My Story Event Experience

You never know what you’re going to walk into when you’re going to an event where you know the topic is on grief. Grief comes in many ways, whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the shattering of a marriage, the inability to have a child, losing a job, or feeling mentally and emotionally drained from life. So why…

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